The same day as you wrote to wish me a happy birthday, a former—now retired—professor wrote to me of a potioneer seeking an apprentice, for which he recommended, of all people me! Though immediately flattered, I was entirely torn on the subject: to accept the offer would have, after all, required significant change in my lifestyle. Now, though, I am resolved: I leave today for my master’s home where I will stay (with adequate supervision; please do not fret over my virtue!) until I can find more permanent lodgings elsewhere.
As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, this means that I shall not be at home when you arrive for the summer holidays.
Oh James, I’m entirely loath to leave you, but this is something that I feel I must do in order to reach my full potential—both as a witch and as a human being with a happy future before her. As soon as you are home and my schedule allows for it, we simply must meet up so I can convince you in person how this truly is for the best!
With all my love,
![[Image: NBBOv5S.jpg]](
— beautiful set courtesy of lady <3 —