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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

12th May, 1887
My darling James,
I write this to you before I pack away my quills for a day, or perhaps two, as I would not feel write doing anything so drastic without first keeping you appraised. What I have to say, I fear, will cause you some shock, but I know you will come to understand my reasoning.

The same day as you wrote to wish me a happy birthday, a former—now retired—professor wrote to me of a potioneer seeking an apprentice, for which he recommended, of all people me! Though immediately flattered, I was entirely torn on the subject: to accept the offer would have, after all, required significant change in my lifestyle. Now, though, I am resolved: I leave today for my master’s home where I will stay (with adequate supervision; please do not fret over my virtue!) until I can find more permanent lodgings elsewhere.

As you’ve no doubt guessed by now, this means that I shall not be at home when you arrive for the summer holidays.

Oh James, I’m entirely loath to leave you, but this is something that I feel I must do in order to reach my full potential—both as a witch and as a human being with a happy future before her. As soon as you are home and my schedule allows for it, we simply must meet up so I can convince you in person how this truly is for the best!

With all my love,
— Becky —

[Image: NBBOv5S.jpg]
— beautiful set courtesy of lady <3 —

14th May, 1887

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

Why are you leaving me?

I hate you.

From the person who hates you

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   Rebecca Grey

18th May, 1887

This letter is hard.

I have been staring at this parchment for what seems an eternity and the words aren't showing themselves. Is there a spell to write a letter for me?

I am glad you have found something you want to do and I am sure you will be happy. I want you to be happy.

What am I to do when I am home and you aren't there? I'm glad you are no longer to be near Ivory and Opal but I am scared Charity would work me harder. I don't want you to go. Who will I play wizard chess with?

Did they make you leave? Is that why Charity didn't want you to come back to school? Are they trying to split us up because that's what they have done and I don't like it. They made you leave me.

You've probably already gone by the time this reaches you, anyway. Where are you going to be? Will you write me often? Are you going to forget about me?

Please don't forget about me.

Tell me how it is going and be safe please Becky. I can't protect you when you are hundreds and thousands of miles away! I can't apparate yet.

Write me soon please.

Your brother,

The parchment appears to have been crumpled a few times and torn in places, suggesting the deliberation James had before sending it.

20th May, 1887
My darling James,
I was beginning to worry I wouldn’t hear from you!

I move tomorrow to a boarding house for women of my newfound position in life two blocks from Diagon Alley. It is an altogether respectable establishment, the matron of which was rather intimidating and would not consent to my residency until she met with my employer and was satisfied that our relationship was nothing untoward. If nothing else, I shall be quite comfortable there, and there are one or two other witches aroundabout my age that I hope to befriend, if time permits.

As to our family, Charity has always seen you as more of a son than me a daughter—admittedly, perhaps a son her husband obtained via another woman—and so I am sure she will not come down any harder on you for lack of me. It is merely a few more years until you’ll be a man in all respects and can make your own path in life, like I am doing now, by my own choice. Charity would have been quite happy to keep me as a glorified housekeeper until the day she died, I would wager, but I don’t begrudge her that at least not much. I am happy to be making my own way at last, and while already it has proved more difficult than I would have imagined, I do not regret my decision to leave.

Please write to me the moment you return to London for the holidays. I do not think my landlady would take kindly on you visiting me at home, but I have some income now; perhaps a sundae at Fudge & Son could be arranged?

With all my love,
— Becky —

[Image: NBBOv5S.jpg]
— beautiful set courtesy of lady <3 —

June 2nd, 1887
My loving sister,

I'm sorry it took me a short while before I wrote you back! I wanted to allow you time to settle in your new position.

It's good that you are going to be so close to Diagon Alley, I feel, as I can visit often during the Holidays should time permit you freedom from your work. Is your employer treating you well?

I'm glad there are witches there you can befriend and I hope you are settling in well! I am missing playing wizards chess with you, however. But it's okay - I can play with Elisabeth or someone else.

I fear they won't be as much as a challenge as you are when we play!

One can hope Charity would not treat me a servant as she has in the past. I don't like how she acts sometimes. I am happy you won't be there anymore; I believe you will be happier not at home. It is still painful to know you have left me but it's okay, Becky. I want you to be happy.

I arrived back home yesterday and Charity already has me working. It seems as though she has deliberately allowed the house to fall into disrepair but I have persuaded her to allow me the coming Saturday to see you!

Please could we go to Fudge & Son!

I would meet you by Ollivander's and you must tell me all about your new station as a potioneer!

The house is also surely quiet now and I'm not sure I like it.

Your brother,

2nd June, 1887
My darling James,
I hope my owl finds you before it is too late—I should be pleased indeed to meet you in town tomorrow! I shall wait for you outside of Ollivander's at noon, and shall be dressed in purple (in case you've forgotten what I look like).

With all my love,
— Becky —

[Image: NBBOv5S.jpg]
— beautiful set courtesy of lady <3 —

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