2nd August, 1889
Mr. Scamander,
Good afternoon. I am writing today to express my utmost regret at our limited acquaintance. You see, though you are married to my dear sister and a father to my charming nephew*, you and I have seen one another so few times that it might be counted on one hand. I do not know how the Scamander does things, sir, but we Frasers honour the tight bonds of family.
To this end, I extend an invitation. As you surely know, I shall return to Hogwarts in September, and as you may recall, each return to school brings with it the need for new supplies. I should so love it if you would consent to accompany me this year, so that we might come to know one another as siblings ought to. I should so dearly love to look on you as a true brother, and it should put my mind and my heart at ease to better understand the family into which darling Astrild has married into.
With hopes for a swift and favourable reply,
Your new sister,
Idunn Fraser
* Idunn has met that baby precisely twice, and finds him obnoxious.
Eugene Scamander

— Graphics by MJ ♡ —