Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Before the 1920's, it was believed that the Milky Way Galaxy was the only galaxy in the universe. — Steph
What in the hell could centaurs even want, anyway? Higher quality oats?

Plottable Characters
Adopt & Plot!

Members are encouraged to post any adoptable characters needed for specific plots here. Remember to state why the character is needed, such as “Stuart is a potential love interest for Lorraine”, or even “TOP SECRET FAMILY SHENANIGANS TO COME GET READY YO”—“I want my mother because she’s my mother” is better suited for our Adoptable Characters listing instead :)

Please ensure ads are requested from the character account in question. Ads from inactive accounts will be cleaned out throughout the year.

Try Lonely Plots instead!

PMs on this account will not be checked.
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

The Applegates
— the Applegates are a well-off MCPB family who were raised in the Cotswolds; adult members may still live at home/in that area or may live elsewhere. They are the victims of a blood curse.

— The curse manifests differently for different people. One non-negotiable aspect of the curse is that it's impossible to talk about it directly. If anyone tries, the person they're talking to will hear something else.
— because of that, Ezra and his family have never been able to compare notes about the curse - it's possible your character's experience of it doesn't track exactly with Ezra's. But everyone born an Applegate will experience the curse in some form.

— The main branch consists of: dad (who is confined to the house as he's "mad" eg heavily affected by the curse), an emotionally distant but uncursed mother, Ezra, middle sister Cecilia, Johanna Applegate and Byron Applegate.

— Mom & Cecilia are available to be played! Cecilia paints to keep her curse at bay and may be either married or a spinster.

— We're also open to cousins (in the 20s-40s age range, loosely), neices or nephews, or other extended relations, but please ask first so we keep the curse dynamics consistent!

If you want the sparknotes on how the curse manifests for Ezra / what he believes about it:


~~~ but I'm stuck trying not to come off crazy ~~~


❧ Please contact me before picking up one of my adoptables!
❧ I reserve the right to refuse adoption though this is also unlikely.
❧ I am lax when it comes to activity but if there are repeated losses in the AC and you don't talk to me about what is happening with it, I reserve the right to throw the wanted ad back up for someone else to take.
❧ Please let me know when you drop a character, whether it be temporarily or permanently. That way I know whether I should just wait or if I should put the ad back up.
❧ Coding lovingly stolen from Lady

The Old Love

b. 1862-1864 | ACHB | Any House | Open Occupation | Open Marital Status
This plottable is for the young woman that I mentioned in Harleys app:
"1879-1880: This is also the year he begins a sweetly innocent romance with a girl that also attends Hogwarts. He is thrilled when he has the chance to dance with her at the Coming Out Ball. Their romance continues past Harley's graduation though nothing untoward aside from stolen kisses, lingering hand grazes and blushes happen between them."

They were basically informally courting as Harley planned to formally court and propose to her once he had his own shop established. This changed in 1882. In June of 1882, Harley was sent off onto the Hogsmeade Trail which he barely survived and was left traumatized by. His issues relating to what happened to him lead him to break things off with his love, believing she deserved much better than him and doing so "for her own good".

"Drowning in his own misery, his romance drops off as he stops contacting her and rebuffs her efforts. She is better off without him, he feels. She can meet someone better, someone unbroken."

These are the only details that need be kept, everything else is open! Does she still hold a candle for him? Does she hate him now? Is she married? Has she stayed single? These are all up to you.

The Childhood Pal
Karina Dolohovna


b. 21-25| WCAB| Male Dancer/works for Ballet| Star crossed lovers | Suggested PB: Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Alexi's origins and family are open, but also worked at the Marisnky Ballet with Karina and Sophia.  He and Rina were close coming up together as dancers, and she considers him her first love.  When Rina came to England, he was part of the gaggle of people who followed Sophia.  Their relationship is odd and difficult - they have a deep romantic affection for each other, but neither can afford to commit to an exclusive relationship, knowing it would damage their careers and couldn't afford to forgo patrons.  As such they don't even like to put it into words.  He hates that she is constantly looking for a patron, and as another junior member of the ballet, he likely has a society lover - male or female but he is straight. 

The Rebels
Christabel Daphnel

The Rebels know each other from school and their respective social circles.  They are close, companionable and all rather opposed to the status quo in their own way. 
They have 'English' names but may have chosen to 'Irish-ise' them which was the fashion among the Irish UC set at the time!

'Sorcha Ni Dochartaigh' '

b. 26 | UCAB | Painter | Society Wife | Suggested PB: Elinor Tomlinson

Her father is/was a prominent politician in Ireland, he is a liberal in support of home rule.  She was given a great deal of latitude and while she has done the 'right' thing socially and is either married or widowed but this just gives her the freedom to be as outspoken as she likes.  She is a painter of some note, specialising in magical society portraits but has a bee in her bonnet about her exclusion from the various painter academies despite being recognised as an exceptional and talented painter.  She did a notable magical portrait of someone of important (OPEN). 
Her schooling is open, but she had Christabel have known each other from girlhood. She is a little more agnostic about Ireland's position as independent of England but is part of the Celtic revival.  She liked Victor and thought marriage to him would be good for Christabel. 

'Padraig Mac Ruadhain '

b. 26 | UCAB | Writer| Heir | Suggested PB: Christian Cooke

An heir that is in danger of being a disappointment to his parents.  Despite being a staple of the establishment he has grown to be rather anti-establishment.  However, he is an only child and his father hates his own brother enough to not disown his son.  There was an expectation that he might excel in politics or in the ministry however he hasn't the tact to make much of a go of that.  What he is is bright and an excellent writer with an ability to write deeply persuasive texts.  His writing might very well be considered seditious by the more staid members upper echelons of society as it talks a lot of gender and class equality but it's popular among younger and more liberal UC and of course the WC and MC who are encouraged by it.  Think a social problem novelist, with better connections than Dickens. 
He does believe in Ireland's independence, and is considering making a run for a new parliament in Dublin if it appears - mostly to make a point, but is aiming for the Wizengemot first.  He and Christabel have been friends since before puberty.  He encourages some of her worst traits of rebelliousness and being outspoken.

Sadhbh Rua

b. 26 | UCAB | Painter | Most traditional| Suggested PB: Crystal Clarke

Set apart all her life by her ethnicity, Sadhbh for a long time wanted desperately to fit in and as such has mastered every womanly art to a degree that would make Olivia Pendergast sit up and take note.  However, she was jilted shortly after her debut by a man who cited her ethnicity as an impediment but she considers herself British and found that the worst part of the snub - that he didn't consider her British enough to marry.  She may have made another match but she now see's her ethnicity as a badge of honor and not something she should count against her.  Her paintings feature ethnicity as a prominent theme. 

She attends the Hermetic order with Christabel because she thinks rich white muggles pretending to do African and Middle Eastern magic is hilarious. 

The Kindred Spirit
Casimir Markievicz


b. 30+ | UCAB | Poet and Lawyer | Temper for a Firebrand | Suggested PB: Ewan McGregor

So as his names suggests he is based on a real person- but his played name is open. He was a second son, and in true Victorian style he trained in the law, as it was expected that he would need to 'do' something. His relationship with the law and legal practice is open but he is also a painter and playwrite. This is his true passion.

He is liberal in his views, supporting women's vote and favoring equality of ethnicity and class. He is a trade union supporter and a theoretical socialist. He had an elder brother who died and as a result of the death he became the heir which has allowed him to indulge his passion for writing and producing artistic ventures.  He is one of the friend group, and tried to talk Christabel out of marrying on the basis it wasn't right for her.  He may have a mistress, asylum wife and/or illegitimate children.  This is who he is based on

First Mate!
Isis Silverthorne

Mr _____ Gibbs

b. 55+ | ACAB | Sea Dog | First mate of the Black Kite | Suggested PB: Bob Hoskins

He has been aboard the Black Kite since before Isis was born and when her father died he all but took on the role of father to Isis.  He is an experienced sailor who misses the proper days when the Kite was a true merchant navy vessel, under her father and grandfather and is softly disapproving of the shadier work that Isis takes on.  He has seen some shiz in his time as a sailor and is full of war stories. 

He was a very talented wizard, a second son from well to do wizarding family, he was born on the 29th of February and so is 'technically' only 15 or 16 in age.  The problem is his indentures papers to the Black Kite state that he will remain an apprentice to the captain of the Black Kite until his 21st Birthday - and his birthday only happens every 4 years.  He has a strict personal duty code and so refuses to leave before his contract his done. 

He is one of few people Isis listens to and does not mind his parental type meddling. 

Stressful Friend
Murdock Greyback Merida Greyback Alasdair Greyback


b. 30+ | UCAB | Ministry - Werewolf Capture Unit | Suggested PB: Geralt by open

A close friend of the Greybacks.  As young men they were as thick as thieves, as close as brothers, and he was as often at the reach as the Greyback family.  He left for some years and has kept in touch with the Greyback brothers via letter, but has been vague as to his job, not on purpose but just because he didn't think it was significant and the Greybacks believe that he is just an official working for the Romania/Bulgarian/other ministry of magic. 

He has now returned to take the postition of head of the werewolf capture unit. He is keen to reignite his close friendship with his long time friends...the Greybacks are stressed out by this for obvious reasons!

Professor of Alchemy!
Meserimus Valenduris

Ceaser Pavesio

b. OLD | ACAB | Italian abstraction | Researcher in Alchemy | Suggested PB: Derek Jacobi

He and Meserimus have known each other  a long time, he has come to London ostensibly to work on a research  project with Meserimus.  He is staying in Meserimus Hogsmeade home with him and his family for the summers. 

The pair are researching the intersection between potions and alchemy, specifically if potions can be used to augment the purity and efficacy of alchemical works (Get better quality gold through the use of potions) and to see if potions transmuted potions ingrediants work better or worse than a real item.  The aim being that it would be useful/easier to transmute a common substance into a rare potions ingrediant

Intended to be a TEMP but feel free to keep him around for your own reasons (Oh look Hogwarts needs an Alchemy prof!?)
[Image: gqorgwG.gif]


Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)


Avalon Glen ("The Glen") is an unplottable patch of of land between two likewise unplottable mountains. It is not accessible via apparition, nor are any of the fireplaces hooked up tot he floo network (with the exception of the local pub, Smoke & Scale, and the Yarwood homes). Indeed, it is impossible to enter unless you already know where it is—and for good reason: in addition to the large manor house of the Yarwood family, patrons of the Glen as well as a nearby magical village, it is home to a dragon reservation for the native Welsh Greens, boasting anywhere from 5-10 keepers and, at last estimation, approximately 42 dragons.

Our Cast
Names, faces, and ethnicities are mostly open. Ages are mostly flexible!
[Image: kwkXrL4.jpg]
To Gwyn, Rhys was her first crush, first kiss. To Rhys, Gwyn was his first heartbreak. Today, they remain as friends, with Rhys pretending that it doesn't bother him when Gwyn tries to set him up with the village girls. The eldest of the Glynn children, it is expected that Rhys will take over the farm, a fate with which he is actually quite delighted. Unlike most of his siblings, he completed a full seven years at Hogwarts, going on to apprentice as a herbologist before bringing this knowledge home to aid the family endeavour. Pictured is Joe Dempsie.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn
Potential Connections: Nigel Yarwood

[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
There are three things Mr. Farris loves: magical creatures, Matilda (his only child, whom he is determined will marry one of the Yarwood boys), and good port. There are three things Mr. Farris loathes: the feeling of mud in his boots, critical book reviews, and women behaving in an unladylike fashion. Oh, he tolerates Gwendolyn Yarwood's riding astride her horse for she is otherwise an excellent hostess, and he wants access to the Glen for his research, but he doesn't like it. And he certainly doesn't like the little girl playing at being a dragonkeeper! PB is open but should be either white or East Asian.

Immediate Ties: Matilda Farris Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood
Potential Ties: Avery Davenport Raj Sandow Dominic Orpington

[Image: zM4KVJf.jpg]
The eldest child of the late — Yarwood and his cousin, the great Gwendolyn Yarwood, Severus bears not only his family's name, but their expectations upon his shoulders, even though all he wants to do is play quidditch. He hardly ever goes to the Glen, preferring the comforts of Hogsmeade.

He has little doubt that he will inherit when his mother passes, but also she is formidable AF so he doubts very much that will happen anytime soon. Pictured PB is Jacob Elordi.

Immediate Ties: Madoc Yarwood Nigel Yarwood Matilda Farris
Potential Ties: Raphael Malfoy Theodore Gallivan Jack Humphrey-Mavis Arthur Pettigrew Mundungus MacFusty Anthony Alderton Yassine Bensouda Roberto Devine Owain Edwards Wallace Bixby Cassius Lestrange
Planting Seeds: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can), The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived

Our Supporting Players
Almost everything is flexible!

[Image: eP56fLk.jpg]
Going exclusively by his last name (or at least, Gwyn assumes it's his last name), "Lamb" has been at the Glen from the start, but in spite of his seeming friendship with Madoc Yarwood, was not appointed Head Keeper. It doesn't seem to bother him too much, though he does have a bit of a temper on him that seems to worsen around his days off—which fall roughly as often as the full mooon... Pictured PB is Jason Clarke.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow Dominic Orpington
Potential Ties: Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport

[Image: U1zGWJh.jpg]
"Mari" is the only other female dragonkeeper. Rather than share a room like some of the male keepers, "Mari" and Gwyn are able to have (signifigantly smaller) single rooms—and Mari has made it clear that if another woman comes into the house, Gwyn will be moving, not her. "Mari" is rather tight-lipped about her family and history, but happy (enough) to chat otherwise. She knows her own mind and has a stubbornness that rivals both Howell and Gwyn. In spite of not having a formal education, "Mari" is an animagus—which counts as "history" and so she will not discuss it. Period. Suggested PB is Michelle Rodriguez.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow Dominic Orpington
Potential Ties: Enid Glynn Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport

[Image: eIpFSCW.jpg]
Owner and frequent barkeep at the Smoke & Scale, the pub with the distinction of possessing the only public Floo in all of Avalon Glen. Becasue of this, "Pryce" knows just about everyone in the Glen—as well as everything that goes on. Though not originally from the Glen, his (late) wife was, and he returned to her home village after her death of the Laughing Plague. What he did prior to that is up to the player, but he has a seemingly endless arsenal of unexpected skills. Suggested PB is Nick Offerman.

Immediate Ties: Gwyn Conway Howell Howell Nigel Yarwood Enid Glynn Madoc Yarwood Raj Sandow Isolde Glynn Avery Davenport Cadogan Glynn Dominic Orpington

mj is an artiste

Welcome to your seduction ;)  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:

Theories of Magic
Persephone Broadmoor has long had an interest in magic and learning more about the magical world. In 1893, she descovered the writings of a pair of magical theorists, twins from Russia. Imagine her excitement when she learned they would be coming to Britain!

First names flexible~

[Image: t5zjM0K.jpg][Image: eziolsE.jpg]
A star pupil at Koldovstoretz, Grigory was always more at home with books than people, easily the less charismatic of the twins. The two have delved deep into the very foundations of magic for more than a decade, their more palatable research being published (first in Russian, though eventually translated into other languages) and their less palatable knowledge enscribed in a tome that opens only with a drop of their own blood.

Officially, the two are making a tour of the magical schools in the world, investigating how each region's underlying understanding of magical theory has influenced their instruction—a trip financed by their own alma mater. Unofficially, they continue to deepen their understanding of the very foundations of magical ability, seeking to amass literal power so that they might, I dunno, conquer the magical world. Or Death. Or anything, really—Grigory has never been satisfied, never known the word enough.

Grigory has always measured women against his sister: if they cannot hold a truly intelligent conversation, he loses interest almost immediately. Oh, he has his daliances, but they are never satisfying enough to last long. This Miss Broadmoor, though, has a sharp and eager mind... Though first and foremost a magical theorist, it is likely that she has achieved mastery, or at least specialization, in at least one area of practical magic (transfiguration, potions, etc.) Suggested PBs are Kieran Culkin or Cillian Murphy (different approaches to a similar vibe).

Immediate Ties: Persephone Broadmoor
Potential Ties: Thaddeus Flint Cornelius Flint Ida Chang Hermia Bonaccord; Hogwarts faculty

[Image: p9wTa10.jpg]
Widowed at only twenty—perhaps not as surprising to her as it was to society—Yelizaveta followed the rules of mourning to the letter, ensoncing herself in her late husband's home (with no heirs, it went to her) and devoting herself instead to research, with her brother's partnership. The two have delved deep into the very foundations of magic for more than a decade, their more palatable research being published (first in Russian, though eventually translated into other languages) and their less palatable knowledge enscribed in a tome that opens only with a drop of their own blood.

Officially, the two are making a tour of the magical schools in the world, investigating how each region's underlying understanding of magical theory has influenced their instruction—a trip financed by their own alma mater. Unofficially, they continue to deepen their understanding of the very foundations of magical ability, seeking to amass literal power so that they might, I dunno, conquer the magical world. Or Death. Or anything, really—Yelizaveta just likes the idea of conquest.

Yelizaveta is a decided flirt, though publicly is not scandalous about it. She has, however, absolutely no intention of ever remarrying; widowhood has afforded her the freedom she so yearned for as a girl, and besides—if not even her brother has ever quite matched her intellect, how could possibly find another man who wouldn't bore her? Though first and foremost a magical theorist, it is likely that she has achieved mastery, or at least specialization, in at least one area of practical magic (transfiguration, potions, etc.) Suggested PB is Kate Siegel.

Immediate Ties: Persephone Broadmoor 
Potential Ties: Thaddeus Flint Cornelius Flint Ida Chang Hermia Bonaccord; Hogwarts faculty

For We Have Sinned

In October of 1888, eight friends set off to perform an ancient ritual for luck. Unfortunately, what kind of luck was never specified. After that dark night, they took an Unbreakable Vow never to reveal what transpired, though the weight of the night that eight became seven still rests heavy on their shoulders as each battles with their own sins.

All names and most ethnicities flexible.

[Image: V9bHo8j.jpeg]
B. 1866-1867 | MCAB | SLYTHERIN | GHOST
"Thomasin" was Perseophone's very first friend, and while their personalities did diverge, they remain fond of one another even after her quite mundane death in 1889, a year to the day after the Incident that killed her only sibling. She always wanted more from life—to marry up, to be wealthy and respected, though now she most wishes for life. While at the time of the Incident she was engaged, whether or not the wedding happened before her own demise is up to you. Pictured PB is Mia McKenna Bruce.

Immediate Ties: Persephone Broadmoor Cleon Broadmoor  Ivy Sandow
Potential Ties: Fortitude Greengrass, George Robins, other ghosts
Planting Seeds: I Look in People's Windows

[Image: Kj2hblZ.jpeg]
B. 1862-1866 | UCAB | GRYFFINDOR | RAKE
"Gregory" grew up on the estate south of Bridgerton, the town around which this friend group's early adventures centers. The eldest son to his parents, there was never much expectation for him to find proper occupation, so he occupies himself as...generally a rake. He remains very close friends with Cleon in particular even after the Incident. Pictured PB is Simu Liu.

Immediate Ties: Persephone Broadmoor Cleon Broadmoor  Ivy Sandow
Planting Seeds: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)

[Image: e4Z3kqI.jpeg]
"Evelyn" (it's a boy's name too!) is Sloth's cousin, and spent his summers from childhood through school at the estate outside of Bridgerton. With at least one older brother and a less than impressive list of accomplishments, his relationship with his parents has always been a strained one; indeed, he regards his summers as the happiest times of his childhood. Suggested PB is John Bradley.

Immediate Ties: Persephone Broadmoor Cleon Broadmoor  Ivy Sandow

[Image: hScI5FL.jpeg]
The only child (or at least, only son) to his parents, "Henry" has always been, at best, indifferent to what they perceive as his duties to the family. This would be less problematic (or at least, more understandable!) if he actually knew what he wanted from life instead, but he has long been cursed with general apathy. He grew up on an estate north of Bridgerton. PB is wide open, but pictured is Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Immediate Ties: Persephone Broadmoor Cleon Broadmoor  Ivy Sandow

[Image: Q7FPy0z.jpeg]
Cleon Broadmoor is the younger of the Broadmoor brothers, and the one with whom Persy has always been close. Much to his father's disappointment, he did not find a home in the Ministry of Magic or, really, any profession, preferring to live a life of excess and identify most prominently as a poet. Because of this lack of any notable income, he lives officially at the family home, though reguarly spends days or weeks at a time at the residences of friends. Reputation of 8 for being a pain in his dad's ass and not the most useful. Suggested PB is Harry Styles.
Played by Kit as Cleon Broadmoor

[Image: 0MV6pNd.png]
B. Sept. 1868 to Aug. 1869 | WCMB | GRYFFINDOR | HIT WITCH OR AUROR
"Ivy" grew up in Bridgerton, though as a muggleborn, did not know any of the others until starting at Hogwarts, where she and Persy became very fast friends. Intelligent and confident but with a temper to rival any, she was never the sort of friend that the Broadmoors wanted for their daughter, but was welcomed into the group by all but Thomasin, who found her rough around the edges. Pictured PB is Amita Suman.
Played by Beanie as Ivy Sandow


do you know what happened that night?

mj makes glorious sets!

Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated June 9th, 2024


Patriarch Algernon Rowle is a control freak in the extreme. In fact, he is such a control freak that he eventually just put all his children under the Imperius Curse so he wouldn’t have to worry about them ruining everything.

Unfortunately for him, he is in a coma following a stroke and the children are Awake Now. WHAT WILL THEY DO ONCE THEY PIECE TOGETHER WHAT HE HAS DONE?

Our Primary Cast
Robert Rowle | Philip Rowle | Seraphina Bythesea | Miranda Rowle | Edwin Rowle

Our Supporting Players
[Image: hzVZaux.jpg]
Merlin's beard, Iris should have been a boy. Oh, she doesn't want to play quidditch or wrestle or anything like that, but she has a sharp intellect and great ambitions that she expects her father to do everything in his power to quash. She pushes the line but doesn't quite cross it in any meaningful way, but grows more and more frustrated by the narrow mold her family expects her to fit into. PB is open, but should fit the family.


Immediate Ties: Robert Rowle Philippa Rowle Harriet Bythesea Forsythia Rowle Sybilla Rowle
Bonus Ties: Seraphina Bythesea Philip Rowle Edwin Rowle Alexandra Rowle Algernon Rowle
Potential Ties: Honoria Rookwood Charity Lloyd Lucy Tatting, other Hogwarts students & staff

[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
The firstborn son to a firstborn son, Esmond has known for as long as he can remember what is expected of him, and puts on an excellent front—when people who matter are looking. First to his nanny, and now to his governess, though, he is an absolute hellion prone to distruction, chaos, and general mischief. PB is open, but should fit the family.

Immediate Ties: Robert Rowle Forsythia Rowle Sybilla Rowle
Bonus Ties: Philip Rowle Philippa Rowle Alexandra Rowle Seraphina Bythesea Edwin Rowle Algernon Rowle Harriet Bythesea

set by mj
The Basilisk's Pit


Welcome to the Iron Fang Inn. Having been given management of this new establishment, there will soon be a bunch of new faces that Hestia must get to know (some she may already know). Each of them criminals possessing their own agenda and cunning, and none of them trusting the other, they must learn to operate as a group; maybe even a family. All of their lives depend upon the survival of this inn where black market materials are laundered through.

This is loosely inspired by the TV show Yellowstone, so do be aware that I aim to make this plot a bit more gritty, with possible mature themes & violence. Rest assured that nothing would be sprung on you (unless you want lmao), but these guys are in the criminal world which never comes with sunshines and rainbows xD



Hestia is the first woman on the premises, and tasked with keeping everyone in line. The pressure is on her to keep everyone together, however that's going to be difficult when there's significant in-fighting. The Tongue can be anywhere within the inn, but can often be seen at the front desk with The Tail, and will send The Tail after anyone who she thinks may be suspicious. Should someone need persuading to reveal their information, it's The Tongue and Stomach that are in charge of making sure that information is passed on.


Hestia has a former friend who saved her one night from an assault. They would have stayed friends except when Hestia punched the assaulter in return, the guy had charges drawn against Hestia and called the friend as a witness. The Tongue was blackmailed into a) not telling and b) testifying against Hestia. He is now just returning from abroad for this job, however neither of them have any idea they’re about to be thrown together. Their reunion is not going to be pretty. The Tongue oversees the daily schedule of The Ribs, and acts as the brawn to keep them in check - and anyone who passes through who doesn’t adhere to the rules.

The Housekeeper

In charge of the house keeping staff, The Head is in charge of transportation of the goods that pass through. Guests check in for at least one night, leave their proclaimed goods in their rooms for The Ribs to collect, who then report to The Head and The Stomach.

Welcome Witch

Skilled with a sharp eye and acute intelligence, the Welcome Witch is tasked with checking everyone in at the front. Often working in tandem with The Tongue at the front desk, they are the eyes and ears of the establishment. To the outside world, she is merely a welcome witch, and perhaps only useful with her smile and people skills. The rest of the Iron Fang employees know this is quite the opposite. Acting as book keeper, there is nothing going on within the Iron Fang that The Tail isn't aware of. Everything that passes through the inn, she knows about. Skilled in stealth and tracking, in the event that someone needs to be followed, she is dispatched.

While the above positions are limit to one person only, the below can have as many as possible. These folks may be those who need part time jobs, and may be entangled with The Merchant of Oblivion already as couriers, rooks, pawns or even targets.

Housekeeping & Wait Staff
Housekeeping staff are responsible for collecting the merchandise and reporting the findings to The Head & The Heart. Wait Staff are in charge of making sure every formula and that passes through is up to standards. They report to the The Head & The Heart.


Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated April 23rd, 2024


In the fall of 1892, Clementine Greengrass Discovered Feminism. In the time since, it has more or less become her identity, but also a convenient way to irritate her brother—huzzah! While the movement itself is composed of a wide variety of people, what follows is small group with whom she is closest.

If the ads below require minimal modifications to fit an existing character or a want ad you want to pick up, please let me know as these are all just rough outlines! Names, faces, ethnicities, etc. are completely open. Names in particular—I'm literally just giving them placeholders from Grey's Anatomy xD

[Image: ZcTKBPP.jpeg]
"Cristina" was in school with Clem, either in her year or the year ahead. However, outside of shared classes, they did not have much to do with one another—separate friend circles, interests, etc. As Clementine's interest in feminism has grown, however, the pair have grown close, with Clem admiring/looking up to "Cristina's" dedication and knowledge of the world. "Cristina" is practical and confident, but not straight-up inappropriate. Face and ethnicity are wide open! Pictured is Alisha Boe.

Immediate Ties: Clementine Greengrass Tess Whitby
Potential Connections: Fortitude Greengrass Noble Greengrass Grace Greengrass Verity Swann Jemima Greengrass Hermia Bonaccord Ani Pomfrey
Double Duty: A Miss Applegate, Ill Advised, Whirlwind Romance, Sweet Talk
Planting Seeds: The Prophecy, But Daddy I Love Him

[Image: XLegoGz.jpeg]
Much more like Clem in the traditional sense: started out in feminism as a form of low-key rebellion, but a bit more Serious than Clem. The two spend a great deal of time together, and part of Clem wants to set "Meredith" up with her brother—after all, they get on so well, why shouldn't they be sisters? Face and ethnicity are wide open! Pictured is Nicola Coughlan.

Immediate Ties: Clementine Greengrass Tess Whitby
Potential Connections: Fortitude Greengrass Noble Greengrass Grace Greengrass Verity Swann Jemima Greengrass Hermia Bonaccord Ani Pomfrey
Double Duty: A Miss Applegate, Whirlwind Romance, Sweet Talk
Planting Seeds: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?

[Image: hgPUma7.jpeg]
"George"... never really intended to find himself attending rallies for women's suffrage or in the company of anyone who could remotely be considered "radical" or "revolutionary". Honestly, he just started doing these things as a means to bond with his sister "April". Very much along for the ride, "George" sees that women are just as capable as men (or at least pretends to), but will never be particularly vocal on the subject. Face and ethnicity are wide open! Pictured is Sam Clemmett.

Immediate Ties: Clementine Greengrass Tess Whitby
Potential Connections: Fortitude Greengrass Noble Greengrass Grace Greengrass Verity Swann Jemima Greengrass Hermia Bonaccord Ani Pomfrey
Double Duty: Envy, The Captain's Legacy, Enemies to...?, Whirlwind Romance, A Vortex of Sexual Confusion, Sweet Talk
Planting Seeds: Polyjuice Identity Theft

[Image: Cqlxj0I.jpeg]
"April" works. Not just that, but she works in a job that is appropriate and highly educated. Indeed, it is simply mad to her that women in her position can't vote, and that women are actively discouraged from being in her position to begin with. She has made a (perfectly breakable) vow not to get married until women have equal voting righs to men. She is George's sister. Face and ethnicity are wide open! Pictured is Ruby Stokes.

Immediate Ties: Clementine Greengrass Tess Whitby
Potential Connections: Fortitude Greengrass Noble Greengrass Grace Greengrass Verity Swann Jemima Greengrass Hermia Bonaccord Ani Pomfrey
Double Duty: Whirlwind Romance, Sweet Talk
Planting Seeds: Guilty as Sin, Polyjuice Identity Theft

set by mj

Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated April 23rd, 2024


What happens when a handsome enough, flirtatious young man with flexible morals meets a pretty young, flirtatious witch with flexible morals? Sex, obviously. At Christmastime of 1891, it was revealed that the daughter of Callum's employer was pregnant—and he was the father.

If the ads below require minimal modifications to fit an existing character or a want ad you want to pick up, please let me know as these are all just rough outlines! Names, faces, ethnicities, etc. are completely open. Names in particular—I'm literally still just giving them placeholders from Grey's Anatomy xD

CALLIOPE: The Wanton
[Image: C982yVW.jpeg]
While still living at home in Hogsmede, "Calliope" entered into a flirtation with Cal that... escalated. It was her mother who first learned of her condition, and "Calliope" rather folded like a card table when it came to naming the father. Within a month, she was married off to a man 20+ years her senior who, lacking an heir of his own, was willing to overlook a short pregnancy. Face and ethnicity are wide open; pictured is Midori Francis.

Requested For: Callum Spinnet
Double Duty: Cristina

[Image: TpPpoJu.jpeg]
Either a fresh deb or soon to be one, "Iphigenia" is every bit as pretty as her sister—though much more demure and well-behaved. Still, why wouldn't Cal try to collect the set? Whether she knows about the reason behind her sister's hasty match—and how she feels about it—is up to you! Her family lives in Hogsmeade. Face and ethnicity are wide open; pictured is Lola Tung.

Requested For: Callum Spinnet
Double Duty: Princesses on Parade
Planting Seeds: But Daddy I Love Him, Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?

RICHARD: Their Father
[Image: SZe4dBk.jpeg]
A love match. That was all "Richard" ever wanted for his daughters. Evidently, he was too doting, too permissive in their early years, with "Calliope's" indescretions a wake-up call. He has not hired Callum for any events since the footman's dismiassal, but boy is he uncomfortable when he runs into Cal at other events. "Richard's" family lives in Hogsmeade. Face and ethnicity are wide open; pictured is Hugh Bonneville.

Requested For: Callum Spinnet
Double Duty: The Captain's Legacy, Sexual Confusion

MARK: The Inside Man
[Image: XoN16fJ.jpg]
B. 1860-1872 | WCAB | OPEN HOUSE | FOOTMAN
"Mark" worked with Cal in the same household, and remains there now as a footman. He, of course, knew the whole story at the time, and the pair remain friends.

Requested For: Callum Spinnet
Double Duty: Evan Glynn, Vaughn Glynn, Enemies to...?, Sexual Confusion, The School Flame


Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD If, after six months, I don't think you're doing much with them (I have very lax standards, don't worry!), I reserve the right to ask you to give them up so someone more active may take them on.
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated May 14th, 2024

Full of Surprises

[Image: hzVZaux.jpg]
Once upon a time, a few casual boinks knocked up Once, and she had to get a quickie wedding to just about anyone to keep her reputation intact. She succeeded, and has been married since—whether she had any subsequent children is up to you. Unfortunately (or conveniently, depending on her feelings) her husband perished in the Dragon Incident. Definitely unfortunate was the fact that he seems to have financially ruined the family before his passing. Fortunately, she has a wealthy baby dady...

Immediate Ties: Zackary Carter
Bonus Ties: Ezra Applegate Byron Applegate Johanna Applegate
Plottable Ties: Madoc Yarwood
Double Duty: A Cursed Applegate, The Old Love

[Image: cyMYEts.jpg]
Madoc's Surprise!Bastard that he will be finding out about soon enough. Following the Dragon Incident, Surprise lost their "father". Further surprising the household? Turns out Father had sent the family into a great deal of debt before his demise.

PLAYED as Zackary Carter

Eventual Ties: Madoc Yarwood
Potential Ties: James Callum Philippa Rowle Callum Finnigan Maxwell Beck Nathaniel Gallivan II Charity Lloyd Morgan Valenduris Lucy Tatting Honoria Rookwood; other students & Hogwarts staff


Hello friends!  Before we get started, I do have a few policies regarding my adoptables:
  • Please reserve your character with me before apping!
  • Obviously, I'd prefer activity from anyone to take these on XD
  • I'll give you two weeks after loosing a character in an AC before I put them back up for grabs! If you drop them via Maintenance, they become immediately available again. If you just want to temp drop them, talk to me first! :)
  • Anyone picking up one of my ads must include the family and personality sections. I provide the family in all my applications so just mentioning the names is quite fine by me. Personality can be as minimal as three basic traits, just so I know for sure that our ideas of the character mesh.
If you have any questions about any of the characters below, fire off a PM to Aldous Crouch, catch me on skype, or stalk me in the cbox ;)

Last updated June 3rd, 2024

In Which Greg Has Financial Difficulties & Makes Bad Decisions

TL;DR: I drafted a plot inspired by "The Smallest Man who Ever Lived" and rewatched 10 Things I Hate About You. I then, irresponsibly, made Greg to scratch both itches. Sue me >.>

[Image: 2Vfitjr.jpeg]
You had a fantastic track record managing investments for wealthy people who CBA to do it for themselves. Somehow, though, you found yourself in need of a lot of money in a hurry. Debts? Blackmail? Regardless of the cause, it's unlikely to matter to your client(s) who you stole from to make the problem go away. One client, who always lived quite frugally, you "borrowed" from a lot, not anticipating he would come calling so soon. Gregory Hart is not impressed. Face and ethnicity are both open; pictured is Dan Levy because it's a crime he is not in use.

Immediate Ties: Gregory Hart
Double Duty: Envy
Planting Seeds: Guilty as Sin

[Image: cyMYEts.jpg]
You have money. You have something against Idris Oakby for whatever reason. You—or someone close to you—overhear Greg bemoaning his financial situation to his best friend and plan your approach. He is handsome, single, and in need, and you have a woman to occupy/embarass/emotionally destroy (depending on the depth and cause of your dislike). This is certainly a match made somewhere. I am open to having an existing character fill this role!

Immediate Ties: Gregory Hart

set by lady

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