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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Sweetie Whitledge
331 Posts
Played by Kelly
Handsome: I intend to get as far away from this place as possible.
Sweetie: Oh, Santa got my letter!
22 year old Halfblood
5 ft. 1 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Sweetie Rachel Katherine Whitledge

Nickname(s): Rachel (Has been requesting that she be called this, as it feels to be a more proper and respectable name.)

Birthdate: December 1, 1871

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Occupation: Unspeakable

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Wand: Cherry, 10", mild flexibility, dragon heartstring

Father: Louis Whitledge (1840-1884)
Mother: Heartwarming "Hattie" Whitledge (née ____) (1850-1887)
Brother: Handsome Whitledge (1869) - Guardian
Sister: Cupcake ____ née Whitledge (1869)
Sister: Pumpkin Whitledge (1870-1889)
Sister: Darling Whitledge (1873)
Sister: Honey Whitledge (1874)

Grandfather: Harvey Whitledge (1803-1880)
Grandmother: Georgia Whitledge (née ____) (1819-1888)

Uncle: Winston Whitledge (1842)
Aunt: Frieda Whitledge (née ____) (1849)
Cousin: Cressida Whitledge (1870)
Cousin: Cordelia Whitledge (1871)
Cousin: Curran Whitledge (1871)
Cousin: Caliban Whitledge (1872)
General | Sweetie's brown hair is bright and vibrant and her eyes are a light hazel. Her figure features soft curves, and she adorns a healthy to her skin. She stands at five foot one inch.

Expressions | Most notably is Sweetie's notorious resting bitch face. Even when calm, she tends to look both stressed and stern. Probably from years of familial stress. She doesn't bother to hide her emotions except in particular social gatherings.

Deportment | While not clumbsy, Sweetie doesn't do elegant. She walks with confidence and a fierce stride that tells others to move out of her way.

Fashion | Outside of a preference to gold, she has no particular stance on fashion. She is sure whatever gets her sisters excited and talking is good enough.

Accessories | Despite being out of mourning, her most favored accessory is a mourning necklace that she had acquired upon the passing of her father. She wears it often and it can be seen as darker markings on her fur while in her animagus form.

Scent | Various perfumes that female relatives often gift her. Most know she'll never bother picking out her own but is willing and able to use such gifts on a regular basis.

Distinguishing Characteristics | Nothing of significant note in her human form. Sweetie is an animagus that turns into a black cat, with the noted markings in her accessories section.

Face Claim | Madison Davenport
1871Born as the fourth child, and third daughter, of Louis and Heartwarming Whitledge, she is plagued with the name 'Sweetie', given by her mother.
1873Sweetie is unaware of, and can't be bothered with, the fact that she gains another sister in the family.
1874The young Sweetie is annoyed by having so many siblings, and their names, as well as her own.
1876Sweetie shows signs of magic when Darling annoys her to the point that she accidentally changes her hair a terrible shade of green. She finds this rather hilarious.
1877The muggles discover magic and the Whitledge family flees to Hogsmeade. Sweetie is angered by the move and refuses to speak for a couple of days.
1879Handsome proves to not be a squib after all with his first signs of magic.
1881The twins head to Hogwarts, placed in the house of the brave.
1882Pumpkin leaves Sweetie to join the twins in Hogwarts, in the house of the wise. Sweetie finds it better than the Gryffindor house, in her opinion.
1883A Hogwarts acceptance letter is sent for Sweetie, and she is utterly delighted to join her older sisters at school, and doesn't fully mind spending a bit more time with her brother. However, she deeply wishes that she would not be called by the ridiculous name that was placed as a burden on her shoulders by her mother. Instead, she takes a liking to her first middle name, and starts requesting to be called that instead, pointing out that it is a more proper name for a young lady.

Sweetie also becomes quite interested the concept of Transfiguration, and joins the club to learn more.
1884Plague steals papa away from Sweetie and her siblings. Sweetie struggles to cope, and falls into complete silence, which is understandable due to her mourning. She is quite troubled during these times. Not fazed much by loosing their home to fire and moving, it was not as if she had lost any of her other family. Almost a month later, she starts speaking again. Darling later begins Hogwarts on that year, being sorted into Hufflepuff (and it seems that Handsome had been expecting this, perhaps he should have been in divination).
1885Handsome as prefect, Sweetie not very amused (won't admit she's proud, but it can be caught when she thinks he's not near her).
Summer, 1886Mother is no longer in mourning, and pursues a healing career. Not only feeling abandoned, Sweetie also feels that she has not only lost a father, but a mother as well.
Autumn, 1886Sorting Hat has gone missing, and Sweetie is thrilled with the professors' choice to place Honey into Slytherin, thinking that this would be the Hat's decision as well. However, she feels betrayed by both Honey and Darling when Honey is then sent to the house of their sister, over Sweetie's house. This ends up causing conflict between the sisters, and avoidance, at least on Sweetie's part.
June, 1887Miss Backus comes into the Whitledge home uninvited, as far as Sweetie knows. After confronting Maddie and expressing her concerns with the other girl's intentions with the Whitledge brother, Sweetie feels that the older girl insults her in her own home, and Sweetie insists that the girl leaves.

Apparently Handsome hears about this conflict, and Sweetie feels that she is being unfairly treated by him. In her eyes, she did nothing wrong, and was just trying to find out the full truth for her brother's sake, not realizing that Handsome might feel anything besides friendship to Miss Maddie.
July, 1887Mother is gone. Sweetie doesn't talk until speaking with Honey, the tension having desolved into awkward discomfort (both seeming to fear how each feels about the other from their fight). Things between the sisters seem to be getting better. Though she is in mourning, she honestly feels that she had lost her mother a while ago, and the loss is slightly numb to her. Not that she mentions this to anyone.
September, 1887Sweetie is made Transfiguration Club President, which she is quite proud of. It might not be 'Head Girl' or anything, but it is an achievement to her.
Winter, 1887Deciding to avoid conflict at home with her brother, and a grandmother that she barely knows and is not very comfortable around, she spends her winter holiday mainly in the Slytherin Common Room, at school.
June 23 — July 2, 1888Letters are exchanged between Sweetie and Handsome. What first is an attempt from Sweetie to apologize and request for the same from her brother along with his understanding, soon turns into complete arguing.

Handsome's last letter to his sister is for her to move out and live with uncle, with a stern order that she not return. This is the last time that they have heard from one another.
September 3, 1888Sweetie officially starts making plans with her transfiguration professor to begin studies into becoming an animagus.
July 25, 1889Pumpkin is killed by a vampire. Sweetie is a partial witness to this, having seen the figure hovering over her sister's body and using a immobilization spell before calling for help. It wore off before help could arrive, and the vampire chose to flee rather than face risk of capture.
August 5, 1889After brief letters are exchanged, Sweetie returns to her brother's home. Does this last? An excellent question.
September 20, 1889Sweetie becomes an animagus, and can now change into a black cat. She is registered.
1890Graduating from Hogwarts, Sweetie finds herself as an employee of the Being Division in the Ministry.
An Ambitious Woman
March 13, 1891Sweetie wins third place in the Teapot Transfiguration Trials.
July, 1891Several months after this, she is made aware of The Society for the Transfiguration Arts and her application is accepted.
Early, 1893Sweetie transfers to the Department of Mysteries as an Unspeakable. Even now, Sweetie avoids her brother more often than not. They've barely spoken and really only in polite acknowledgement. Should she marry, she may never speak to him again.
July 30, 1893A litter of kittens from Bijoux find their new homes, all except one that Sweetie has elected to keep and names Amethyst.
Introverted | Sweetie does take the time to think through her options before she acts. Socializing with others does tend to drain her, and she has her moments of preferring to be alone. She is quite determined to get good grades and is very good at focusing on her studies.

Intuitive | She tends to trust her instincts when she thinks of what could be. When she feels that something is not as it should be, she usually trusts her instincts and thinks of how things could impact her, rather than just live in the moment.

Thinker | Others tend to not see her as a warm person, unless they get to know her and push past her walls. She tends to be honest with her thoughts when the topic feels appropriate for discussion. Flaws of others (and herself) catch her eye easily.

Judgers | Working hard is something that does come to her attention, so that she can reach her goals in life. She prefers to not keep things left open and feels very conflicted when not having closure in parts of her life.
Ancient RunesA
Defence Against the Dark ArtsOO
Ghoul StudiesEE
History of MagicEE
Employee of the Spirit Division 1890—1893
Unspeakable of the Department of Mysteries 1893—Present
Amortentia | Honey's scent, Cupcake's favorite perfume, and ink.

Patronus | A black cat

Boggart | Herself in dirty and torn clothing, how she imagines herself if she were abandoned and alone in the world.

Hogwarts Clubs | Dueling and Transfiguration (President)

Western Star Sign | Sagittarius

Hobbies | Practicing her transfiguration skills, continuing her studies, some leisurely reading

Pets | A temperamental cat named Bijoux and a kitten from her latest litter Amethyst
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