Nicknames: Almost every curse word and slur used about women
Also: Gremlin, Bloody Frac, Bloody Cas, and just regular CasBirthdate: Appeared in December 1878
Actually Nonbinary, but Perceived FemaleRace: Poltergeist
Occupation: Local Disruptor of the Peace
Residence: Hogsmeade
Mostly found around High Street, but does wonder all over whenever the mood strikesAppearance:
Fracas appears to be a young woman in her twenties, standing around 5’2” (when not floating) with dark hair and slightly paler skin with a small smattering of facial freckles; they exclusively wear a lacy, suggestive summer dress, the pattern of which changes constantly, and walk around with unbound curls that reach just past their shoulders. Most of the time they look like a person straight out of a black and white photo but there are times where they look like a slightly muted picture of someone living.History:
PB: Raven Lyn Corneil
Personality:December 1878 || The Owl Emporium reports the glass along their storefront is scattered and knocked inward; Constables arrive to find that quite literally all the storefront windows are broken and glass covers the floor inside. The initial investigation that night is short-lived, however, when whole-hearted sniggers fill the air and the windows of a store across the street all crack at once. A figure spotted ducking into an alleyway is pursued but simply vanishes. After several more acts of vandalism and destruction, a constable catches a glimpse of the perpetrator: it looks like a spirit of some kind. The Spirit Division is begrudgingly summoned.
January 1st, 1879 || The spirit is cornered: it’s a poltergeist, to everyone’s complete displeasure and slight horror. They – or, “she”, as most refer to Fracas – in a gleeful taunt remind the officers and civilians present that you can’t kill a poltergeist. They are forced to “settle down” by magical means and peace returns to High Street.
1880 || The peace is short-lived; various acts of impossibly vandalism spread across the Slums, heading towards High Street. Reports days later in Bartonburg confirm suspicions: Fracas is back and ready to have some fun!
1881 || Fracas causes quite a stink over muggleborns leaving Hogsmeade; no one should leave! That means less people to play with! They take to harassing the Ministry building in particular until Minister Spavin is arrested and muggleborns return to Hogsmeade.
1882 || They continue to haunt Hogsmeade at night, though after the expedition leaves, they linger around the outskirts sullenly. It’s not hard to imagine the tantrum Fracas threw when Irvingly was officially “settled” and wizarding families started to move out there. They cracked several stores’ windows and broke doorknobs in the process.
August 1883 || In preparation for hosting the World Quidditch Cup, Fracas is hunted down and preemptively made to settle down; no one wants them to ruin this event.
1884 || The poltergeist comes back swinging, causing havoc in the western portion of Wellingtonshire and harassing the locals. Unfortunately, before anything can be done, disaster after disaster strikes the town; uncharacteristically, after the fire sweeps through High Street, Fracas’ activity leels just… drop off. There is hope the spirit has moved on to a new haunting ground.
1885 || Fracas returns with a vengeance, as if nothing happens; when questioned by one curious soul, they won’t say why they just seemed to vanish a year ago. As if to rebuff the question, the poltergeist performs a string of pranks that send several Bartonburg inhabitants (one of whom may have been said curious person) to the hospital and is magically forced to settle down again. Luckily this is before the explosion that quarantined the Ministry.
1886 || They spend most of the year in the newly constructed Pennyworth, causing chaos and pulling semi-harmless pranks as they peer around the new addition to their playground. They are warned against bothering the World’s Fair and begrudgingly settle for mean-spirited but harmless tricks on people who stray too far from the main event.
1877|| The spirit cares little for stupid mortal laws and policies, but even they take notice of the reconciliation with the queen – some of their playmates move back to London! Before they can throw a fit, they’re forced to settle down as the Queen comes to visit. It’s sooooo unfair! …At least no one can blame them for the pavilion collapse at the World Market…
1888 || In their very important personal opinion, the Fog was a lot of fun! Fracas prefers the dark and the affected areas in Hogsmeade were cloaked in it! They caused quite a bit of havoc at first but… then the Fog made them feel odd. Not sick! Spirits don’t get sick! Just… really weird. Though they would never admit it, when the Fog vanished, they were glad.
1889-1892 || It’s business as usual; Fracas is unabashedly gleeful when, in 1992, the missing people are discovered to have been transfigured into animals! For a carnival! They spend many a following night cackling at that; all those posh mortals, changed to beasties and forced to learn circus tricks – that was rich!
- Acts very familiar with the targets of their pranks, with lots of flirtatious touching and commentary; while odd, it's really a tactic Fracas uses to watch people squirm or lower their guard before they strike
- Likes to tease the members of Hogsmeade’s Constabulary and the Ministry’s Spirit Division who they encounter
- Is actually highly territorial of their haunting grounds – does not like other poltergeists impending on Hogsmeade and “stealing their fun”, but that’s not all: they also dislike when other supernatural creatures lurk to long around their haunt and their playmates. Will tolerate Ghosts if they’re fun to hang out with
- Sometimes childishly refers to themself in the third person
Other characters: Bethel Nye, Genevieve White, Ottoline Sheach, Cecily Smirnov and Cyrille Dupont