28 April, 1888 — Vampire Caverns
It had taken Lyra longer than she had anticipated to find the vampire caverns, but if she was being honest, a good deal of the delay was due to her own trepidation. It didn't make any sense, given that she had long since moved past the point where she need fear an attack by anything that lurked in the Forbidden Forest. She was more predator than prey now, and she could easily have defended herself if anything did try to stand in her way — not that that was likely. No beast would be coming after her; she didn't have the scent of a living thing and would have made a very poor meal on any account.
Still, she couldn't help the sense of rather childish dread she felt at the idea of actually finding the vampire caverns. This had been a place of horror stories when she was a child, a place that featured in those tales nannies made up to keep children from misbehaving. Be a good girl and don't wander too far, or you might find yourself whisked away to the vampire caverns. Well, Lyra had never been a good girl, and she had wandered too far, and she had still managed for years to avoid the place. Except in the briefest of passing moments, she hadn't had any interaction with her own kind at all since her transformation, which made the idea of seeking them out and trying to reason with them all the more terrifying. What sorts of people would she find there? Would they still be people, or would they be closer to the more monstrous depiction of vampires she'd been raised on as a child?
It was easier, for a time, to simply continue lurking on the edges of Muggle society, as she had been doing for years. She knew how to go undetected, and with regular access to the Ministry's blood bank there was never a crisis moment when she grew too hungry. But she hadn't come to England to continue doing the same thing she could have done in America. She had come to England for a purpose, and it was time she found her spine and started after it.
It was the middle of the night when she finally stumbled upon the place, and she glimpsed the light of a fire through the trees before anything else. She knew she was too far from town for this presence to be human (at least, no human who valued their life would wander this far out, at this time of night), but she still wasn't sure that she had really found the place. She didn't know at all what to expect. Were they actually just caves, like animals would live in? Or had they been transformed by decades of inhabitants into something more akin to the Muggle myths of dragons' lairs, filled with hoarded treasures from past conquests?
Well, this was the time to find out, she supposed. "Hello?" Lyra called tentatively as she pushed her way through the last layer of foliage separating her from them.
Ishmael — but I can flex the date to whatever you need if this doesn't work for you!