"None," Alfred said, grinning up at her. He was tempted to laugh again, not because he had anything in particular to laugh at, but because her mirth was contagious. He liked the way she looked when she smiled so wide like that, and the sound she'd made when he'd rolled the two of them over. He liked being this close to her, too. Not that they hadn't been close down below decks, but this felt different. The tight quarters of the cramped bunk bed imposed a sort of necessity that they lacked when she was just leaning on him in the middle of the floor in an otherwise spaciously empty room; it made it feel as though they were more alone then they had been before, more intimate and more isolated. In a way he supposed this
was far more isolated, because no one would be drunkenly opening up the door to his cabin looking for their bed. Well, probably. Drunken sailors could do most anything. Perhaps locking the door would be beneficial, just in case, but in order to do that he'd have to move and break up this moment they were having.
"It's a good thing you had your wand," he remarked, moving one hand up to push her hood out of the way. It had flopped down across her shoulder and was hanging between them, but he pushed it back into place behind her and then let his fingers linger on the arm beneath it. "I s'pose I should've had mine, but I didn't expect to need it," he confessed. Alfred rarely expected to need his wand, mostly because he'd survived in the wilderness for so long without one. If he couldn't solve a problem without the use of magic, he was more inclined to find a way to avoid it entirely than to come up with magical methods. And when he'd gone out onto the dock tonight, he had only been expecting to be drinking with his sailors and their families, not cavorting about with impressionable young women in abandoned bedrooms. Even if someone had shown up a few hours ago and told him the night would end up like this, he wouldn't have believed them. He had been enough of a prude to stay celibate through years of living in a village where the women didn't wear tops; he was hardly the sort to end up
like this, and he wouldn't have had the faintest idea how to salvage the situation if they hadn't managed to leave before someone had walked in on them.
Somehow, though, he had ended up
like this, and it occurred to him suddenly that the odds of someone walking in on them
now were very slim. He glanced down from her face to her body before he could think better of it, and realized that the particular angle the two of them were at coupled with the disarray both of their wardrobes were currently in allowed him to see more than he probably should have of the delicate skin just below the neckline of her dress. He tried to shake the thought, and forced his eyes back up to hers, but the image lingered in his mind.
"This is why you can't go running off at parties," he said, returning to this previous line of conversation less because he felt she needed any further chastisement in that particular area and more because he felt he needed to remind himself. He glanced back down, then up again quickly. "Someone might have thought..." he started, but he wasn't able to find any way to articulate the rest of the sentence. Any of the euphemisms sailors used were either far too crude or far too silly to fit the situation, but he was hesitant to pull out some romantic phrase like
making love. In the end, it didn't matter anyway, because his willpower expired before his vocabulary options did. In one fluid motion, he brought his lips up to hers once more, while his hands found the uppermost clasp on her dress and began to undo it.

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER