Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
"Good morning to all!! It appears we are having a beautiful day today here on the Sanditon Beach! Now, is everyone nice and secure upon their brooms? Well, then let's have a nice clean game!!!
The scrimmage was panning out to be... interesting. He'd had little time to go figure out his strategy (and more importantly, their odds of winning), but he'd figured out a few things:
Firstly, he was playing against Maddy and Calla. It was annoying in a way, because they were the only friends he had in the match and he was playing against them, but at least he knew how they played. Secondly, they had the advantage of having a first-string beater on their team... but they also had Cad, who was not bad but would likely make no effort to save his ass if he was in trouble. Thirdly, they had a student keeper, while Maddy and Calla's team had the professional keeper.
Oh—and Cammie had the professional seeker on his side. This could be a good game.
He immediately made a swipe for the quaffle, and, smiling, headed around his red team opponents.
Hermia was enjoying summer for the first time in two years since her brother's death rocked the family. Learning she would continue as prefect, participating in a Shakespeare festival, finding that she was now Hufflepuff's quidditch captain, and receiving exemplary scores on her OWLs made her feel useful again. Add that to spending the summer around Moroccans, spending days speaking Arabic again, and Hermia was already buzzing with joy when she received an owl inviting her to a quidditch scrimmage.
Today, she was flying with students that were usually her rivals and thrilled to know her family was in the stands, finally seeing her play. Hermia was absolutely glowing when she mounted her broom. At the whistle, she rocketed from the ground, savoring that first rush of defying gravity. Time to do her house, family, and team proud.
Watching Gillenwater snatch the quaffle, Hermia cheered her encouragement and quickly swerved her broom to move with him. "I'm with you, Cameron. Let's go!" Hermia loved that quidditch play allowed for less formalities in address. No one would survive the game if pleasantries were required before warning a teammate about bludgers.
Maddy Bell was no fool—she did not expect any of the Moroccans to be playing at a professional calibre. Still, the opportunity to play along side those who had made quidditch their life's practice was not one the young chaser had anticipated getting any time soon, and so had been one she had pounced on.
True, she was against Cameron for the first time, but that made it rather more fun—a little stepsibling rivalry—especially as she had Calla and a profesional, female chaser to work with. This was going to be fun.
Grinning from ear to ear, she took off after Cammie.
Karim was largely disinterested in keeping the children happy. He was, however, interested in being a good representative for his country. If a bludger hit one of the kids too hard, well...they had to learn sometime.
Once the quaffle was loose Karim went for the bludger and whacked it towards his fellow teammate.
D2 -> C2, hitting bludger at Aziza Karim Amelia Evans
Choosing to push forward as vanguard, Hermia took a quick look around her, noticing that the Moroccan beater on her team took aim at one of the opposing chasers. She would take any advantage she could. Keeping an eye on her opposition and the quaffed still safe with Cameron, Hermia leaned into her broom for speed.
It was nice to get to play with Maddy rather than against her like she typically did - even if she still had to play against Cammie. It was an added bonus she got to play with Mr. Abney even if she wasn't sure he'd consider it one. After all, he was the one who had prompted her interest in Quidditch from a spectator to considering playing. But the best part of it all was most certainly have their professional chaser be female. Still, it was difficult to adjust to the play styles of the Moroccans. Even those not on her team, she at least knew something about how they played (she'd played against them after all and with Cam and Maddy on mock games). While she had no doubt Maddy was capable of getting the quaffle from Cam she had little idea what Miss Karim would do.
Still, she spun around and headed towards the goalposts, wanting to be there to intercept any throw. Not that Mr. Selhim couldn't but she wanted to prove they were capable of keeping their own feet underneath them.
c3 to c4
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
August 11, 2020 – 1:56 PM
Last modified: August 11, 2020 – 2:03 PM by Aziza Karim.
The moment things kicked off, an extremely withering look came upon Aziza's face. She didn't appreciate being Karim's target so early on, especially since she usually shared a team with him. She kept her head cool though, quickly moving back to kite the bludger towards one of her own beaters and put herself in a better position to intercept the quaffle from the other team.
Cad was thrilled not only to have been asked to take part, but also to have been asked to take part before the other students were invited to attend AND that they had professional beater on their team. What a chance to learn from the best up close.
He had been making for the bludger but the Morrocan beat him to it and was pleasantly surprised to see the whollop the other beater gave the ball - it appeared he wasn't holding back! At least not by much.
Deciding that he was better in the thick of the action than hanging back - he moved up the pitch to offer cover to their over chasers
Nelson was fairly certain he was out of his depth here. He'd only gotten onto the Ravenclaw team last year, and now here he was playing with - and against - international players! But, whether he did well or terribly today, he couldn't deny that it was exceedingly exciting.
Nelson made tracks towards the closest bludger, aiming at the green team chaser in possession... and quite glad it wasn't one of the Moroccans, because how on earth was he going to hit any of them?!
D4 -> C4, attempted bludger at Cameron GillenwaterAmelia Evans
The student beater on his team got the the closest bludger to Ashiq flew forward so that he could be ready to hit it again after it hit Higgs's target.
"And it looks like our beaters are hard at work! Gillenwater in possession of the quaffle manages to avoid the bludger that Higgs thwacked at him, and look at that, so does Karim with the one Hassani just sent towards her!"
<-- LEFT
GREEN Score Zone
RED Score Zone
GREEN Team -- RED Team
* = Bludger Positions Game Play Directions
***Please tag AMELIA EVANS with your moderation needs: interceptions, goal attempts & bludger hits!***
Please contact a member of the staff team if you have an NPC post to go up!
Bludger dodged. Good. He'd hate to make a fool of himself before the game's barely begun.
The only person he was really worried about right now was Amin, who presumably had both the skill and the experience to knock him out of the sky if he do desired. He needed to move—fast. He dipped into a steep dive closer to the ground as he crossed the pitch, the quaffle tucked snugly under his right elbow. He could do this.
After the horror that had occured at the match the idea of a bludgr strike on one of his team mates was a little less appealing than it might otherwise have been, So Cad attempted intercept the bludger coming for his team mate and hit it at Shula Karim, somehow hitting it at one of the foreigners seemed less controversial than hitting it at one of his schoolmates. He wondered how long this new found altruism would last
B3-B4 to stay with Cam, and attempt to deflect the incoming bludger to Asia Karim Amelia Evans
Hermia pulled up in time to avoid the bludger that was aimed for Miss Karim. Unfortunately, she proved her prowess and also avoided danger. Whipping around, she saw Cameron closing in on her and, unfortunately, a second bludger. He aimed her way and let the quaffle fly; Hermia threw her weight forward to join in him in his dive and, she hoped, catch the quaffle.
(Newbie question: I wait to see if the Quaffle is caught because other actions were taken between our posts, right? Amelia Evans)