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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

my secret love's no secret anymore
10th January, 1888 — Black Manor, Lancashire
Ursula Black
Her birthday might not be an especially significant one this year but Elladora was still wary of lurking surprises. She loathed surprises. Whether the surprise was the presence of people for whom she did not entirely care in her home or a trip to a fashionable shop in London to get something pierced she utterly resented the feeling of being taken-aback and having to form a suitable response that was not to pull out her wand and perform the sort of magic that might see her sent to Azkaban.

And so it was that to avoid whatever fresh horror might be in store for her this year she had removed herself to the mostly shut-up London house where nobody had been since Christmas. The calmness of the empty house had appealed to her and as she apparated into the cold, silent drawing room she felt immediately better. Here she would not be disturbed by anybody. Even the lingering piles of Ursula's clutter did not bother her as, all-importantly, her sister-in-law's magazines did not possess a mouth.

Her eyes fell on the top such magazine. Was that...?

Frowning she snatched up the magazine and glared at the front cover where, beguilingly, her own face stared back out at her alongside a young man she had perhaps spoken to once in her life. She would not have even been able to recall his name if it were not in front of her in a sentence that contained the most appalling lies she had ever seen. Turning to the relevant page she quickly read the article, unable to quite fathom that this utter rubbish had been published. Her eyes drifted to the date of publication and her blood boiled further - so this was why she had been receiving looks every time she went anywhere. Whispers and giggles had hounded her since Christmas and she had not been able to put her finger on why, but this was clearly it: and Ursula had known all along.

Gritting her teeth together Elladora took advantage of the empty house for a rare moment of uncontrolled anger and practically shrieked as she threw the magazine against the wall where it fell limply to the ground in a deeply unsatisfying crumple. She needed a better target.

Recovering the magazine from it's spot she apparated straight back to the manor she immediately called for one of the house elves and demanded the mistress' location. Stammering the creature replied and she stormed to the morning room, incandescent with anger, throwing the magazine in Ursula's lap.

"Were you ever going to tell me about this?"

fabulous set by Lady <3
It was Elladora's birthday but the birthday spinster was nowhere to be found, not that Ursula had really tried hard to find her. She attributed this absence to Ella's increasing age for she'd not want to celebrate being so old either. Better to forget about it altogether.

Not feeling particularly motivated to celebrate Ella's birthday either, she was spending the day so far sprawl on a chaise lounge in a loose tea gown reading a rather salacious novel that was only serving as a mediocre source of entertainment. Her solitude was abruptly disrupted by the appearance of the elusive birthday girl. Ursula didn't have time to contemplate her appearance before a magazine was thrown at her.

She laid the book to one side and looked at the magazine in her lap. Ah. Ursula adjusted her shawl and turned her gaze to her sister-in-law. "I take it it's not true then?"

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
The audaciously unconcerned response from Ursula was as expected as it was irritating and Elladora had to school herself not to give into temptation and pull out her wand. It was a frequent urge around the other woman in general but fresh from such a humiliation Ella had even less patience than usual - how dare they! How dare she be so indifferent to the grave slander that was being thrown in her direction. As if she would ever do such a thing! With...well, someone like him.

"Of course it isn't," she gritted out through her teeth, fingers curling at her side as she steadied her temper. "Please tell me nobody believes this drivel?"

Surely they wouldn't? Most people were idiotic at best, or easily led, but it was hardly as though she had ever given society the slightest hint of improper behaviour and certainly nothing like this! If she had her way heads would roll and she could only pray that Phineas had not gotten wind of this: she knew her brother well enough to know he would never listen to foolish gossip but any stain on her was a stain on him and his authority at school. Witch Weekly wouly pay dearly for this!

fabulous set by Lady <3
Had she had less on her mind, she might have found Elladora's outrage more amusing but as it was she only found it mildly humorous. "Well of course people believe it, they wouldn't sell if everyone thought it was utter nonsense." It was a shame it wasn't true what Witch Weekly had said about her sister-in-law; what a different light she would have seen the beastly woman in had it been so.

"It'll be quite tragic if you're ousted from society without even the consolation prize of having committed the sin you're accused of," she mused lightly. "However, they do say there's no smoke without fire. Are you quite certain you haven't a secret attachment? I shan't reproach you for it," with a vaguest hint of bitterness, she continued, "at your age with no marriage prospects you must be quite miserable. Who could blame you for taking what comforts you can in this life." Ursula punctuated this somewhat insulting statement with a languid sigh.

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   Elladora Black

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
Of late Elladora had actually found herself not objecting too strongly to her sister-in-law’s presence but it was with her usual aplomb that Ursula reminded her she was little more than a vulgarian who’d had the good fortune to marry into their family. The Flints might have some prestige but after over a decade in Ursula’s company Elladora could confirm what she had thought the first moment she had laid eyes upon the younger woman: she was a stain on their bloodline.

“Some of us are capable of sticking to the course we have chosen,” she spat back darkly, remembering too many things her brother’s pride was forced to endure: the affair, the child. And the things he did not know of: the beating heart of that child that she had not been able to snuff out, the weakening of her own disposition, that cabinet…

“And if I were to form such an attachment I certainly would not be stupid enough to get caught.”

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   Ursula Black

fabulous set by Lady <3
Ursula wrinkled her nose in a show of displeasure at Ella's pointed remark. "You're being awfully defensive for someone who's supposedly innocent." It was intended to annoy Ella in kind, any lingering suspicions Ursula had of her sister-in-law being involved with anyone were dead in the water or very close to it.

"Are you quite certain there's no truth in it?" She eyed her sister-in-law with a raised eyebrow, not expecting much in response but needling her was almost raising her spirits. Almost.

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   Elladora Black

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
“Of course I’m sure!” Ella snapped, immediately irritated at herself for rising to what was so evidently an attempt to needle her. Ursula had become remarkably good at that over the years. It bothered her. Ignoring her sister-in-law’s face for a moment, expecting there to be a smirk there that she simply knew would only serve to boil her blood further, Ella took a seat by the fireplace, staring into it with a look that could have frozen the flames.

“I am going to ask this once and I want the truth Ursula,” she said in an aggressively moderate tone, feeling able to look Ursula’s way again. “Was this your doing?”

fabulous set by Lady <3
Ursula's brows shot up in surprise at the question. Firstly, it was somewhat offensive that her sister-in-law thought she would go through such public channels and risk a horrific scandal just to annoy her - what sort of person did she think she was? The answer to that was probably best left answered. Secondly, she'd have to be an idiot to bring undue attention of that nature to the family when she had plenty of skeletons to be found in her closet. But of course, Ella didn't know the extent of her deceit.

"Don't be ridiculous! As amusing as it may be that you've found yourself the subject of such gossip, I'd hardly risk my own reputation just to muddy yours." As soon as she said it she feared it might be taken to suggest that she had something to hide even though that wasn't exactly what she had meant by it. Wanting to deter Ella from suspicious thoughts, she diverted the conversation. "Why didn't you want to get married anyway?" Had she ever asked? She couldn't remember doing so but she supposed she might very well have done a long time ago and then not bothered to remember whatever response she might have received.

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   Elladora Black

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
The question was one that had been posed to her before, albeit in much more subtle terms. Debs she had come out with had been baffled at her lack of interest; doyennes of society had tried to take her in hand, assuming she had insufficient experience to make her own connections; and even her own mother had spent years making cutting comments about her marital state before, thankfully, she had retired to Paris to cease being a nuisance. Fortunately Phineas had never asked questions and for that she loved him. Frankly she had never thought that Ursula would have the nerve to ask.

“It’s hardly a concern of yours,“ she said shortly, turning back to fireplace with every intention of ignoring the other woman. She grudgingly believed that Ursula wasn’t to blame for the abomination in the magazine but that didn’t make her any less frustrating an individual; anybody that could seduce her brother into matrimony was almost impossible to ignore most of the time.

“And it’s far from a matter that requires discussion.”

Truthfully it was something she seldom cared to even think about herself, let alone discuss with others. Especially if the other was Ursula.

“You wouldn’t even begin to understand.”

fabulous set by Lady <3
Ursula took the prickly response she received as defensiveness and decided it must be a sensitive subject for her sister-in-law. Obviously she had regrets about not marrying. It was surprisingly reassuring to think that Elladora wasn't happier than her for having avoided marriage.

"I understand regret quite thoroughly, in fact we are old friends." She suddenly felt very wise which was a definite improvement on morose. "Did someone break your heart?" Ursula took a turn for the mildly condescending. "Were your feelings unrequited? Who hurt you, Elladora?" Although her expression was fairly blank, there was something about it that suggested that on the inside she was smirking.

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   Elladora Black

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
Letting out a short, dry cackle Elladora turned her gaze back on her sister-in-law with a look of pure exasperation, her disdain dripping from every feature.

“Do you honestly think anybody has ever had the power to hurt me?”

Certainly no man ever had, or would, and Elladora doubted Ursula’s comprehension of human feelings went beyond the alleged pleasure one could achieve from marital relations. Ella was no ingénue, she knew precisely what went on between men and women, but the very thought of it was abhorrent, and she had certainly never entertained the notion of feelings for anyone. Quite why it was such a pre-requisite of life she would never understand!

Why must she be broken?

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   Ursula Black

fabulous set by Lady <3
Elladora's behavior took an unsettling turn and Ursula started to regret her curiosity.

"I haven't a clue, Ella, which is precisely why I asked," came her tart response. Why the woman had to be so odd and cagey about it, she didn't know, although she very much wanted to know. "I cannot fathom why you would choose spinsterhood over marriage and I hardly think you could have been without interested gentlemen." For a spinster, Ursula had to admit her sister-in-law was a handsome woman, although she thought herself to be the more attractive between them. "Even if you never fancied yourself emotionally attached to a gentleman, I would have thought a sense of family duty would have driven you to matrimony. Therefore I must conclude that your reason for remaining unmarried involves being jilted." In reality, she just liked the thought of someone having the power to break the indomitable crone's heart.

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   Elladora Black

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
The logic was baffling and ridiculous and so utterly Ursula that Elladora almost laughed at her absurdity with perhaps the one lingering part of her that was fond of her sister-in-law and didn’t mind admitting it to herself. But she did not: instead she glared and soon felt a headache beginning to bloom, her heart begin to beat a little bit faster as she contemplated that Ursula might have somehow fathomed the deepest secret she possessed.

“Phineas has provided sufficient heirs for the family name,” she said scathingly, unable to forget the other child she had taken from Ursula’s womb, that was not of her name, and yet she had been unable to do away with as she would have liked. Death would have been so much easier and yet the bastard spawn survived. “And do you imagine a man would have jilted me? If, as you oh-so-generously suggest, that I was not without interest then what man would have dared leave me?”

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   Ursula Black

fabulous set by Lady <3
Ursula shrugged. "I was but a mere child when you were fresh out in society, how am I to know how you used to conduct yourself? Perhaps he thought you inconstant or preferred another himself." There were surely other reasons a man might cease to pay court to Elladora Black but it was hard to guess at with any hope of accuracy without specific details. Why couldn't the spinster just give her the juicy details and be done with it? "You tell me, Ella." She had to have hit the nail on the head, surely a good jilting was the crux of her spinsterhood. It might even have been oddly romantic for Ella to have sworn off all men in her devotion to her lost love but Ursula thought it more likely that she had probably only grown jaded instead.

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
Ella wasn’t sure if she was more annoyed by the persistence of the questioning or the fact that Ursula seemed as indifferent as she ever was, as though such a secret could simply be spoken aloud as though one was discussing the menus for luncheon. As though her evasion was indicative of her being awkward rather than Elladora being nosey, as though this were a game and not a matter that could ruin her as utterly as Iola had been ruined.

“I have never been inconstant,” she said by way of reply. “I have always been precisely what I am now.”

She had never wavered in her decision to remain unmarried, had certainly never met a man that might have induced her to change her mind and knew she never would. She had waited patiently for the years to take her to middle age and release her from the obligation of even pretending to desire matrimony and she intended to enjoy her reward in peace.

“Besides,” she turned her head away to the fire. “What fool would give up the good name of Black?”

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   Ursula Black

fabulous set by Lady <3
"You know what your problem is, Elladora Black?"she began, her voice rising in volume ever so slightly. "You're too uptight! It's a wonder you don't pucker like a lemon. I've had more satisfying conversations with my wallpaper." Her ill temper had returned at the loss of her determination. Her sister-in-law was irritatingly similar in manner to her brother and it was probably only as a result of having to share the house with her more than Phineas that Ursula probably knew the woman as well as she did.

"I almost wish you had taken that man as a lover, I'd be appalled at your disgraceful behavior of course, but at least you'd have exhibited some moral failing rather than being a superior bore all the time." She was morose and she missed Thom and Ella had distracted her for a blissful moment from her pining but now she was ready to return to her sulking for lack of having any more patience to needle the woman further. "I hope my children relegate you to the attic in your dotage, goodness knows I shan't outlive you. Leave it to a bitter old spinster to lead a miserably long life just to spite everyone around them." She felt an inkling of guilt for being unreasonably harsh but was under no illusion that Elladora's skin was thin enough to be hurt by it nor that she particularly cared what she had to say anyway. Just like Phineas.

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3

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