Waaaay late because I finished rereading a month ago and forgot to share my progress, but... xD
— MY GOD YES McGonagall, OotP is a book full of her greatest hits, each moment is better than the last.
— Umbridge is such a compelling villain (and yes, soooo amazingly hateable), and I think she was one of the rare things the movies (and Imelda Staunton) did
— Similarly, OotP has never been one of my favourite of the films, but I am a SUCKER, I tell you, for the "Dumbledore's Army" training montage, and it turns out I love that progression just the same in the books, it's so heart-warming and cosy and great.
— Can we talk about Ginny? I don't know whether it was the sixth and seventh films or maybe Bonnie Wright who ruined her for me, but I feel like I've treated her pretty unfairly over the years and in OotP at least I really do admire her. It's those Fred & George vibes combined with a steely determination and generally not giving a fuck (& also being friends with Luna!). Actually every moment Neville, Luna or Ginny get from this book on is awesome by me, and I love them as that extra trio.
— This book is also more heartbreaking every time I read it because of the Sirius thing and how desperate Harry is to save him being the reason he plays straight into that trap and winds up dead. I think I get more emotional about it now than I ever did as a child.
— (Bellatrix is also an amazing villain, this is also universally held I'm sure)
— Oh also? HAGRID. The Grawp subplot has always been one of my least favourite things to read (it's no Norbert!!!!) but it is an interesting look at wizarding opinion of halfbreeds/some deeper insight into Hagrid's backstory and really what I wanted to say is how underrated but how important Hagrid is to Harry throughout the whole series, and that it is a CRIME none of Harry's kids even got "Rubeus" as a middle name??????? I mean??????? Who's the real, most constant, most heartwarming father-figure in these books anyway?
I've still got the sixth and seventh books to go in my 2019 HP reread but I think the older I get (the worse the world gets???) the more I like the first couple of books and the less I look forward to the darker, more complex, generally bleaker later books. But anyway.
look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3