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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

breezy and bright
June 11th, 1889 — Padmore Park

Bragi's first two weeks in the country had proved quite the adventure. He'd bought a horse, lost (then found) a cat, made new friends, conducted profitable business, and even attended a Ball. And that wasn't to mention all the new questions, musings and curiosities that had taken root in the young man's mind. But this evening was free of thought. Warm, gentle evenings like this one had that kind of effect on Bragi. As the sun shone beautifully low but still so bright despite the latening hour, he roamed Padmore Park along what had swiftly become his "usual" route, and breathed in the sweet air of late spring.

Such was his pleasant mood, when he realised nobody else was in the vicinity, the elfin chap took the great liberty of flopping onto the manicured grass, hands beneath his head, smiling up at the cobalt blue sky. "Ahh~" sighed Bragi. Life was a fine thing.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa had come to Podmore Park just to get some fresh air and be away from her home. She and her father realtionship weren't still the best one, they had issues between them. Since she was just sixteen she had to live with her father since she couldn't afford her own place and she wasn't yet allowed to have her own place according to the law if she was right. Anyways this meant the girl didn't wanna be at home much at her free days from her midwife job.

So this is how she ended up walking at the park. Awhile the girl kept walking she noticed someone laying on the grass. She would have never done it herself but here she was about thinking doing the same. "Hey," she said there to get males attention. She could tell she wasn't much older than her. She wanted to ask there something but she wasn't sure what. "What are you looking there at the sky?" she asked and looked up for a second too. She asked something random at the end.

Bragi Holm

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
The events of the past weeks were catching up with him, and as he lay there in the sunlight Bragi began to feel himself drifting off…

Until a voice spoke out, young and female, and Bragi got hurriedly to his feet. ”I do beg your pardon”, he apologised as he stood, dusting grass off his clothes. As he straightened up and regarded the flaxen-haired teen, he hesitated. ”I, er — I wasn’t looking at anything much. Just… just the sky.”

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa looked at the male and just smiled at him. She realised that she might have startled him there now. This wasn't her intention, but she couldn't take it back now.  What was done was done. She just hoped that another person isn't mad at her now. She didn't want that.

"Oh well, I see," she mumbled there back as a reply. She wasn't sure what to else to say there now all of a sudden. She wasn't that good at talking with strangers; she had spent too much time at Hogwarts on studying instead of talking to her classmates or schoolmates even. "So, what brings you to the park today? I'm sure it wasn't because you could lay down here on the grass and look at the sky." She just tried to talk with him now. He wasn't sure if she should introduce herself or not.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
He felt grass-stained, but knew he'd probably scuffed up little more than a dandelion seed. Still, Bragi was self-conscious now, under the perplexed gaze of the young teen. Goodness, why did he keep bumping into unchaperoned girls in this park...?

"Just soaking up life, allowing myself a breath", he replied, feeling dumber by the minute. "Same for you?"

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa didn't really care much how he looked, if there was any grass-stains on him then it wouldn't matter to her. She has seen worse for sure. The past she would not speak of. She would keep so many things hidden and so far she has managed to do it.

"You could say that yes, life isn't easy as it seems," she said with a sigh. She has never had an easy life for sure. There always seems to be something chaotic happening.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
This was feeling very familiar, as he stood alone in Padmore Park with a musing young woman. Though this one seemed rather more contemplative than the previous star of this scene. For that reason, and a few others, Bragi heard her wistful sigh and threw caution to the wind — ”would you… like someone to talk to about it?” he offered gently.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa wasn't sure if she should even share her life with someone who she doesn't even know. She didn't even know his name or anything about him. She was very sceptical about sharing her life with people. "Not sure how to talk about it even. Let's just say much has happened in my life. Some things are hard to speak still," she said and wondered if she should trust this male in front of her or not. "Basically the working class problems," she added with a sigh. She had no clue if the male did understand it or not. It wasn't all, there was so much more.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
It had been a shot in the dark, and, well — the shot had missed. Of course Bragi hadn’t really expected a complete stranger open up to him, but he was feeling whimsical and she seemed in need of a listening ear, so it had been worth a try.

”Of course”, he said, paling slightly in embarrassment. ”My apologies, miss.”

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa knew this male probably just tried to help but then again she wasn't someone who trusted strangers very easily with her problems. There was just way too personal ones, some things weren't meant for the public eye.  "I didn't mean to offend you or anything. You don't have to be sorry. Just not very trusting of strangers on my problems. You never know for what they will use that knowledge," she said with a sigh. She hoped he understood it.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
"Oh, of course. Not at all", he replied hurriedly, not wanting to seem like he was hurt, running his hand distractedly through his hair. "I am just feeling a bit... a bit devil-may-care, this evening. Your restraint shows a far better character."

He paused, knowing that to be properly introduced would require more than just the two of them here. But they could still know one another's names. "I'm Mr Holm, Bragi Holm. I'm new to this country."

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa wasn't sure if she had hurt the male feelings or not since she was never good at reading those things. She used to focus on her studies more than people in general. "Oh well. I'm not really the people person mostly. I can talk with people but yeah I never had many friends," she said. This was her own fault, that she kept the distance.

"Oh, welcome to this country, mister Holm. I hope you will enjoy your time over here," she said with a small smile. "I'm Elaisa Galloway. I have lived in this country my whole life," she introduced herself too.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
At the smile Bragi felt a little better, and returned it gladly. It also helped that he was now introduced to this Miss Elaisa Galloway, albeit not officially. "Thank you", he breathed at the words of welcome. It did not surprise him that she'd been here all her life, for while physically she could pass for Scandinavian (like Bragi was), her manner was really very British.

It was sad to think she did not have many friends. "Do you attend Hogwarts?" She looked young, after all; though he realised with slight discomfort that perhaps she... wasn't the type to be given schooling.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
It was always nice to meet new people and this made her feel a bit better but not fully. She at least now knew his name but then again this didn't make them be friends or anything like that yet. She just smiled at the 'thank you' since she wasn't sure what to else to say there now.

"I used to go there. My family can't afford me go there anymore. So only five years instead of seven. I'm working as apprentice midwife now, I managed to get it with my good OWL grades," she said with a sigh. Not everyone could afford to go to Hogwarts nowadays when you didn't come from a rich family.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!
He should’ve followed his instinct and bit his tongue, for it transpired his instinct was correct: Miss Galloway hadn’t finished Hogwarts, as evidenced by her trademark sigh. Bragi certainly felt bad for her.

”Midwifery… that’s very impressive”, he replied gently. ”And… and what are your interests, Miss Galloway, beyond your career?” Bragi was aware it might be prudent to part ways and leave her be, but he couldn’t possibly abandon her on such a dour note.

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
Elaisa knew she could have tried to get the end of the seventh year but that would have been harder but she didn't really need them. She was okay not attending Hogwarts and just working instead. She was ready to start her own life. She didn't wanna be under her father forever anyways.

"Thanks, I suppose saying that," she said with a shrug, she wasn't sure what to say on that really. "Not much really. Studying I suppose. This is something I did last five years mostly. I do like potions and herbology for sure," she tried her best to answer the question. This caught her off guard for sure. "What about you and as who you even work?" she figured she could ask back too.

[Image: bQnZ6n.png]
Thanks MJ for the set!

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