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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Not As Smart As You Think
May 29, 1889 - The Great Hall
The news had startled her. One of her fellow classmates, fellow Gryffindors, had just died. Not just died, but dead by experimenting with advanced magic. And who else did she know who had a habit of doing such a thing?

The idea of another sibling leaving her, the only real sister she had left, had shaken her to her core. So at the end of the meal, she quickly went to find her sister. Catching the Slytherin near the entrance of the hall, she tugged Holly by the sleeve and to the side.

Holly Scrimgeour/Edric Umbridge

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Surprised but not terribly shaken by the death of a Gryffindor first year, Holly was only pleased that it wasn't someone she knew very well. The Benet twins existed outside her social circle, if she had enough friends to call it a social circle. Camille was far more likely to know them, but she'd failed to consider what her sister was thinking as she sat among the murmuring Slytherins in the Great Hall.

Everyone had scattered after the momentary mourning passed, and Holly was one of the first to her feet. She hoped to avoid the rush of the crowd and stash some of the school's library books in her bag for summer reading before the librarian could even return to her post, but was stopped by her sister.

"What?" she asked, brows furrowed in frustration.

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The twins were not girls she had talked to, really. Of course she heard the rumors of the mischief they caused. Like Peeves minions. But for one of them to die? To loose a twin... it was unspeakable. Especially when one would always have to look in the mirror and see their twins face. Like she had to do.

But enough about her. Concern was directed at Holly at the moment. "You have to stop." She stated with a bluntness that wasn't too common for her. As if she expected Holly to understand what she meant instantly.

Magic by MJ
Holly tugged her hand out of Camille's grasp, her brows furrowing even deeper.

"You already have me stopped right here," she snapped with a quick glance around to the other departing students. "And if we stay stopped, we're bound to get trampled by a pack of unobservant seventh years."

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How could she not have thought that she was way too vague? Didn't matter now. If she dragged Holly further away, she would likely lose the Slytherin's interest completely.

With a sigh, she tried again. "That's not what I meant. You need to stop your extra studies." Would Holly even listen? Even care for her only living sister's concerns?

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Nothing that came from her sister's mouth made any sense to Holly; it seemed like a burst of unprompted hysterics, caused by the sudden trauma of the afternoon. Holly stared at Camille as if she'd grown a second head and crossed her arms against her chest.

"You're not well, Camille," she said. "I have no idea what you're going on about. Truly."

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The look on Holly's face only lead to frustration for Camille. Why could her sister not see sense? "Asking older students to teach you advanced spells. It's foolish." She stated as she crossed her arms.

Magic by MJ
This was... bizarre. Never before had Camille taken any interest in her ambitions. Never before had Camille ever taken an interest in her academic progress. Holly took a step back, brows furrowed, and shook her head.

"Never. I don't understand why you're making these demands, but know you have no right to make them," she said with a little hmph.

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Not this stubbornness, please. Father would never comment on such a thing if Camille brought it up with him. And why would she bring it up to the step-monster? No, Camille was the only one left that really cared.

"Didn't you hear what the professor said? A girl died for trying to study advanced magic. I can't lose my last sibling. My last real sibling." Camille said, trying not to cry. Trying not to show weakness.

Magic by MJ
"I don't think you understood what I said, Camille," she said with added firmness. She took a step closer and gave her sister a pointed look, defaulting to intimidation in an attempt to prevent an all-out emotional outburst on the part of her sister. "I will not stop my efforts — not because some dumb girl didn't know her limits."

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This only made her glare, though she could feel tears coming if she didn't stop them in their tracks. But Holly would only see tears as her winning. No. Camille was not going to let her sister bully her.

"No, you don't understand. I will not let your idiocy leave me alone with people I can only barely call family." She said with more command than even she had expected from herself.

Side note, Camille if Holly dies from this:

Magic by MJ
Holly could only raise her voice. "How dare you call me an idiot when you're the one parading around with a bunch of fools," she pressed, taking a step closer. "I will not allow my little sister tell me what to do because one of her sorry friends went and blew herself up."

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Unlike Holly, Camille refused to raise her voice. She was actually trying to be the rational one in a genuine effort to get her point across. "I barely knew her, but I do know you. I know that you would be willing to push your limits if someone didn't stand up to you."

Magic by MJ
"You clearly don't know me as well as you think you do," she fired back. Although her wand was tucked safely away in her robe, her hand instinctively moved to it as it always did when she was angered. "I know my limits. I've had three years to learn them. Maybe you're just afraid because you could never dream of accomplishing what I am."

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What a foolish thing to say. Utterly foolish. "That is the sort of attitude that will be your end. I will never be as ignorant as you." She said as though there was ice in her breath. The threatening tears were fading, replaced with more stubbornness and frustration.

Magic by MJ
Holly's face went red and she balled her fists so tight that her knuckles went white. This was not a conversation she wanted to be having with her sister — not with the entirety of the school passing by.

"And I will never be as stupid as your friend," she said with a tone of finality before twirling around and marching in the other direction.

set by MJ <3

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