March 24, 1889 - Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom; Flamel Charity Event
Another party was not what Rosie wanted in her life at the moment. But, as always, Hugo insisted that they attend the ball to forge connections and appear charitable. Was it really charitable if the intentions were false? She was to her wits end when it came to his ambitions. Her life was supposed to lead to an exciting career, not to become the little house wife who hosted parties and made connections with a bunch of snobs. Who was the real Slytherin in this relationship? After all of these years of marriage, she certainly didn't feel like a Slytherin.
Though the party was beautiful, all she wanted for the evening was to go back home and write to her children about all of the magic that was a part of the party. Who really wanted to deal with a bunch of socialites and anyone else who saw fit to judge her based on her husband's ambitions. Though most probably thought that she shared such ambitions. It wasn't as if she was actively disobeying him and avoiding the social climbing. But what would people say if they noticed just how strained their marriage actually was? To anyone who wasn't her dear friend, they were a happy couple with lovely children.
At the moment she was gazing over the food that was offered. What an interesting assortment. It was indeed rumored that the Flamel family were quite wealthy. Was it easier living this life if one was born into it? Or did a rich person feel the strain of attending these events just to keep up appearances? It wasn't as if she could really ask. One wouldn't want to seem like too much of a social climber. Looking over, she smiled politely at the person beside her. "Interesting party, isn't it?"
Though the party was beautiful, all she wanted for the evening was to go back home and write to her children about all of the magic that was a part of the party. Who really wanted to deal with a bunch of socialites and anyone else who saw fit to judge her based on her husband's ambitions. Though most probably thought that she shared such ambitions. It wasn't as if she was actively disobeying him and avoiding the social climbing. But what would people say if they noticed just how strained their marriage actually was? To anyone who wasn't her dear friend, they were a happy couple with lovely children.
At the moment she was gazing over the food that was offered. What an interesting assortment. It was indeed rumored that the Flamel family were quite wealthy. Was it easier living this life if one was born into it? Or did a rich person feel the strain of attending these events just to keep up appearances? It wasn't as if she could really ask. One wouldn't want to seem like too much of a social climber. Looking over, she smiled politely at the person beside her. "Interesting party, isn't it?"