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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA}
March 4th, 1889 — DADA Classroom

The tufted deer’s silvery form pranced about the room before, for lack of a better term, dissipating with a wave of the Russian’s wand. Nikolai Sleptov all but took his patronus for granted by this stage in his life, but it seldom failed to impress his students—particularly those sixth years who would not have seen it before.

“It is your turn, now,” the professor directed his N.E.W.T.-level students simply, moving to stand by the blackboard where the incantation—EXPECTO PATRONUM—was already written in sharp, defined lettering.

The class had spent the past week reviewing dementors, the primary target of the patronus spell, and had certainly earned a bit of practical magic. Given the difficulty of the spell, however, Nik wondered wryly how many students would see it as a reward by the time the class was over.

“Do not be afraid to spread out. Once you're certain you have enough room, you may begin!”

Open to all NEWT-level Defence students. Those active in this thread may earn participation points. Please include, in your first post, the form below. In the case of the last point, omit the rest of the sheet ;) Each post should end with them casting the spell; results will be posted every few attempts. If you change memories later, please include the memory/and in the appropriate posts. See this thread if you’re confused!

[b]SKILL:[/b] General skill, with 1 being average (the lowest anyone would be in this NEWT course), 3 being “quite good”, and 5 being “can expect to get into the Auror program if they had the inkling”.  Most of you should be in the 1-3 range.
[b]CHARMS:[/b] What did you get on your charms OWL?
[b]MEMORY:[/b] The memory your character will be using.
[b]AND…[/b] 1-5 with five being “they will never be happier than in this memory” and 1 being “it was nice at the time”.  
[b]FORM:[/b] What your character’s patronus will be if successful! Select random if you want me to choose based on my knowledge of the character. They can change over time so it’s not permanent, but will probably stick until a Massive Event in your character’s life.
[b]PREVIOUSLY ON DADA:[/b] Include any results your character has had in the past for trying to accomplish this! Mostly for seventh years—sixth years haven’t been taught formally yet. Please link to the applicable post.
James Baird Goodluck Warbeck Merriweather Mulciber Sweetie Whitledge Eldin Bones Kristoffer Lestrange Ignatius Quirrell Rupert Bingham Iziza Noel Somersby Fudge @"Acacia Ruskin" Emmeline Woodcroft and anyone in the course but not on the spreadsheet!

set by soph!
MEMORY: First meeting Ignatius
AND… 3
FORM: Random
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Hasn't gotten to try yet.
Finally! Getting to try to see what her patronus is would be amazing. As most people would be, she was quite curious as to what creature appear for Acacia. She bit her lip as she thought about what her memory would be. And then... "Expecto Patronum!"

Magic by Elaine!

MEMORY: When he first found out that he was going to be a seeker, knowing he would get to tell his sister that he had earned being one. Just like her.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Hasn't gotten to try yet.
Lucky was excited. Casting a patronus was a bit accomplishment. Aside from quidditch achievements of course. Now he was going to get to see if he got what it took to cast one. Taking a deep breath, thinking about the memory he had in mind... "Expecto Patronum!"

Lady made Magic
MEMORY: When the transfiguration professor told her that he would help her learn how to attempt to become an animagus.
AND… 3
FORM: A feline or bird-like creature
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Hasn't gotten to try yet.
This was it. Sweetie was nervous. Whatever form her patronus took could very well be the form that she might take as an animagus. Assuming her assumptions were correct, she hoped more for a feline form that a bird-like one. Wouldn't want to be chased around by her own cat!

How many of the other professors knew about her learning about attempting to be an animagus? Had her transfigurations professor passed the news around? As she thought of that, she thought of the memory of him telling her that he would teach her to attempt to become one. That was her happiest memory, surely. Closing her eyes, she concentrated as she thought of it more and more. "Expecto Patronum!"

MEMORY: Getting his first broomstick (courtesy of Uncle Beckett, of course!) after making the Slytherin quidditch team in second year.
AND… 3
FORM: Random

Although Professor Sleptov's patronus lesson was among his NEWT students' favorites, Eldin did not enter the classroom with the same excitement as his peers. He'd heard it was rare for a student to successfully cast one, especially the sixth years; he'd honestly be happy if he managed a wisp.

He tried to think of his happiest, most notable memory. His earliest memory—his dragon-themed birthday party at age four—was a contender, but it wasn't strong enough to manage a patronus. Becoming a prefect was a powerful memory, but it wasn't all that surprising upon second thought. In the end, he chose the moment his Uncle Beckett bought him his first broomstick shortly after making the quidditch team.

"Expecto patronum!" he cast, hoping to make some progress.

MEMORY: Receiving his OWL results
AND… 2
FORM: Random

Somersby smiled at the prospect of the class. Certain he could do as instructed. He took a spot to the side and cleared his mind except for the memory he had chosen to go with. He envisioned opening the letter, the nerves and worry turning his stomach and then the cheer as he noted the O’s and the E’s included. Only a few A’s had made their way in. Capturing the memory of his pride in that moment he cast, “Expecto patronum.

[Image: mcSjpUa.png]
Made by magic (MJ) <3
b]SKILL:[/b] 3
CHARMS: Outstanding
MEMORY: His first kiss.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
James was glad to get another go at trying to conjure a patronus. Not that he really saw the use for one but who knew? Life had a way of throwing surprises at you. Racking through his mind for a memory to focus on, he decided to go with what he had used last time he had tried to conjure a patronus. He really couldn't think of anything better than getting to snog a pretty girl. "Expecto Patronum."

CHARMS: Outstanding
MEMORY: Being appointed Quidditch Captain
AND… 2
FORM: Random
Rupert supposed it was probably a little depressing that he couldn't really think of any memory that would really produce a patronus. Being appointed Quidditch captain felt more like a given than something he should really be happy for. Oh, well. It would do well enough and if it didn't, he would try and think up something more... happy inducing. Maybe something cheesy like how it felt when he was being praised and adored. "Expecto Patronum."

[Image: v93mgUU.png]
fabulous set by MJ!
Nikolai carefully observed each of his pupils in turn. He did not correct stances—that could come later—only took things in, curious to see if anyone would prove prodigious in thier efforts.

Unsurprisingly, they did not.

"Again," the professor directed simply.

Shooting for 15/18/21
Please repost "Memory/And" if changing memories :)
Will be back to mod Saturday.

set by soph!
Self-critiquing himself when he didn't do as well as he had hoped, Rupert adjusted his stance before trying again. He focused real hard on the pleasure that he got out of being praised and told how great of a human being that he was. "Expecto patronum."

[Image: v93mgUU.png]
fabulous set by MJ!
A lack of progress was quite disappointing. Even if she was only in her sixth year. Did that mean something? Was she going to fail what she had been dying to accomplish? Hopefully that would not be the case. She had a while to go yet. Closing her eyes once more, she bit her lip as she tried to picture the memory. It had to be the right one. "Expecto Patronum!"

MEMORY: One of the times that she and Ignatius simply sat together and talked. About their families, their hopes for the future.
AND… 4
Perhaps it wasn't a strong enough one. Looking around briefly, she caught a glimpse of Mr. Quirrell himself. Her heart fluttered. She remembered a time where they had been talking. Just talking. Not about their worries for once. Just their futures, their families. It filled her heart with warmth. And she closed her eyes and thought of that memory, that feeling. "Expecto Patronum." It was stated more as a whisper than anything else. But hopefully it was strong.

Magic by Elaine!

And thus the Hufflepuff sighed with disappointment. All he could think to do was to try again. "Expecto Patronum!"

Lady made Magic
MEMORY: Being in Acacia Ruskin's presence
AND… 4
FORM: Random
Ignatius had done decently the last time and he would personally be quite happy if he was able to recreate the wisp. It would be even better if he managed to produce a corporeal patronus. This time around, it was quite easy to think of what happy memory to focus on. Doing his best to empty his mind and to focus only on how he felt around Miss Ruskin, he did his best to remember what stance he should be in as he cast the spell. "Expecto patronum."

"Observe Mr. Quirrell," Nikolai directed the class briefly. "Notice his determination."

True, it was not a complete surprise, as the Ravenclaw had produced a similar wisp the year before. Still, the professor hoped it would bolster the students' confidence, give them something to aim for, and that was enough to prompt him to award the lad five points before bidding the pupils to return to their efforts.

Shooting for 15/18/21
Please repost "Memory/And" if changing memories :)

set by soph!
Being told to observe Ignatius, along with some of their other peers doing the same, gave Acacia the excuse she needed to glance at him once more. Longer, thinking exactly of what she felt around him. Of how they talked. The reality of it all. For once, she had actually allowed it to overwhelm her. It was easy to observe his stance as she took in simply looking at him. Correcting her own stance a bit, she held on to that feeling. She let it overwhelm her. The smile couldn't be helped, the single tear slipping down her face couldn't even be noticed. Once more she closed her eyes as she took it all in and said, "Expecto Patronum."

Magic by Elaine!

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