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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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IC Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts
7 o'clock in the evening, Friday, September 7th, 1888 — Hogwarts' Quidditch Pitch

Pru had been pleased and not at all surprised that she'd been appointed Quidditch captain this year. She'd been vying for the spot all last year, given that several of their players - captain included - had graduated. They'd done horribly, so she planned to be extra choosy when picking who made the team this year. She'd be damned if she got any more first years (not that the losing streak was entirely their fault, of course, but it certainly hadn't helped.) She'd also taken the opportunity to appoint herself the beater position — something MacFusty ought to have done the first time around. Perhaps they would have had better chances last year if he hadn't had her pointlessly chasing around the snitch. She wasn't built for seeking.

"Evening Gryffindor team prospects! I'm Prudence Browne - Pru for short," She greeted the group cheerfully, "As I'm sure you know, we didn't do that well last year. We had some inexperienced players and rotten luck so now that I'm captain this year, we'll be practicing most every day. It's a large commitment so if you think your classwork is more important, then you can just leave now. I plan to bring the Quidditch Cup back home where it belongs."

Her eyes glinted darkly, "We've openings for Chaser, Beater, Keeper and Seeker. Try out for as many positions as you like. Do us all a favor and don't try out for a position you know you're awful at. I'm not keen on time-wasters.

There are two tasks - those who want to try for chaser need to make three successful passes to a teammate stationed above and then make a goal. Those trying for keeper will be stationed at the hoops and need to keep the chasers from scoring. I'll be setting bludgers loose on the field, so watch out for them. Those trying for beater need to hit at least three other players with one - on purpose. I'll not be counting any accidentals. You need to be able to aim them - especially if you want to survive a match against Slytherin. Lestrange plays for blood. Seekers will be timed at catching the snitch. Fastest one to do so gets the spot."

"Hop on your brooms and get moving," She ended with another smile and a cheerful clap of her hands, though the glint in her eye told all how seriously she was taking this.

Please post once for each position you are trying out for. Make sure you have filled in the requisite form and have received a “like” from Kayte before posting! The deadline for all posts is 6pm EST on September 9th.

By posting in this thread, you agree to have your character present and whole regardless of what happens between the date of posting and the IC date listed.

[Image: xU9tKc.png]
set by Bee
If a person could visibly vibrate with excitement, Sloane had likely figured it out for tryouts this year. Her hair was a cheery pink to match her enthusiasm, thanks to her metamorphmagus abilities and her utter lack of controlling them. At least this year she wasn't nervous at all! Browne moving off seeker was really good for Sloane.

No sooner had the captain announced their tasks and to begin, Sloane hopped on her broom and took off. She was first at seeker, waited for the snitch to be released and took off as soon as she was told to. Hopefully she'd be fast enough to get it. All that practice should count for something!

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
Alcyone was determined to be on the team this year. She had tried out last year but had not made it. Hopefully this year she would do a lot better now that she had more practice under her belt. She went to the chaser tryouts first, did the task set before them before touching down so that she could do the beater one.

Aria had never considered herself very athletic, but neither was she not. It was usually her lack of social skills (or lack of wanting to socialize) that kept her away from team sports, but had been convinced by her mother (see: Té) to try out on the off-chance that she found some friends. Of course, she hadn't expected there to be many ladies roaming the quidditch pitch at tryouts, but save for a handful of students, there were a bunch of girls!

In fact, there was only one boy remaining on the Gryffindor quidditch team at all - Gillenwater, a boy in the year below her - after the remaining boys had graduated, and Aria suspected that this team would quickly turn into the underdogs. (And rather than encourage her, that fact was enough to make her consider walking off. How was she supposed to fit in if her entire team were the laughing stocks of the school?)

Once she mounted her broomstick and took to the skies, she almost regretted her decision. Almost. She continued on for the first trial - keeper - before landing on the ground and preparing for the second.

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Once she had gotten her bearings, Alcyone flew off to do the Beaters task. She wasn't as confident about this role but she still did her absolute best. Luckily, she had no qualms about hitting people with the bludger so there was at least no hesitance on her part when it came to that.

Once the beater's bat was in her hand, she once again began to question why in Merlin's name she was here to begin with. Surely her mother didn't want her to take a bludger to the head for the sake of making friends? Besides, with her small stature, what use could she really be? Gaze flickering around to the other prospective players holding their bats, she supposed she could be of more use than some of the students here...maybe.

Sucking in a deep breath, she mounted her broom once more and took to the skies. It was hard, but wasn't the worst experience of her life. (No, she could safely say that was seeing her father's face plastered on the front page of the Prophet. Perhaps he'd saved her from a life of eternal pessimism by getting himself turned into a werewolf...in some convoluted way. At least things couldn't get worse for her, right?)

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Carius had still not accepted his newfound house, feeling absolutely adamant that some mistake had been made. He was supposed to be in Slytherin alongside literally everyone else - his sister, his parents, many of his extended relatives, and not to mention Sirius Black, one of the only boys he was friendly with. But no, he was sharing a common room with Miss Claire Bénet, the self-proclaimed adventurer, who believed she'd done no wrong by running off on Darrow's expedition during the summer, and a handful of other hotheads.

He'd came with his own broomstick, of course, as many of the other boys had done so. He was put off by the number of ladies who'd showed up at Gryffindor quidditch, though he thought he shouldn't be surprised - their captain was some oddity of a woman, standing taller than most men.

(Was he being too judgmental? He supposed he might at least try to think nicely of his house-mates.)

When time for trials came, Carius took hold of one of the beater's bats and headed towards the skies. He was small compared to his house-mates (and, regrettably, even compared to some of the other first year boys), so becoming a beater was an unlikely outcome; however, that wouldn't stop him from at least trying.

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Seeker. It was the last position to try out for, and the one she felt she was most suited for. Small and lean, her figure was ideal, but she still lacked the confidence that her skills - eyesight, speed, etc. - were adequate for the spot.

She took to the skies, nervously watching the snitch flutter about. She would try her hardest, she reassured herself, and if she didn't make the team, it was no sweat off her back; it had been her mother, not her, who had suggested she come to tryouts in the first place. (And she didn't even like quidditch compared to some of these weirdos.)

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When he landed from beater trial's, his mind immediately went to a pessimistic place. He already felt embarrassed for being a Gryffindor, so should he even be here, at tryouts? Really - if he already felt the need to apologize for the people he shared a common room with, surely he wouldn't want to have to apologize for their poor excuse for a quidditch team. Gryffindor was unlikely to win this year, anyways, even if they gained him as a team-mate.

(He'd also figured out who else was already on the team. Apart from the captain who resembled an Amazon, there was a mudblood third year and some girl who was barely older than him. They were doomed.)

He took to seeker trials this time, thinking it was the position best-suited for him at the moment. He was, however, convinced that he would grow to be big and strong, and therefore the position would not be suited for him forever.

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It looked like perhaps chaser was going to be a wee bit more competitive than chaser but Sloane was maximizing her chances by trying out for both. She'd worked harder at chaser in her practice, but really would prefer seeker. Either way though!

The pink of her hair had faded a little just the ends were now tinged with the vibrant shade as she concentrated on the task at hand. If only she was as good at controlling her meta abilities as she was a quaffle! Well that remained to be seen as she kicked off to do the next part of tryouts.

[Image: Sloane-Sig94.png]
What was with all the kids? Seriously.

Mounting his broom, he went through the trial for Beaters first. He figured he had the best chance at that one. He definitely felt at home with a beaters bat in his hand at any rate. Once he was done, he set down and prepared to do the chaser trials. He was going to be trying out for Keeper as well. Seeker hadn't even been an option - he was too tall for that and he didn't relish such responsibility.

beautiful set by the incomparable MJ!
Keeper was third and final position he was trying out for, and it was admittedly also one he couldn't see himself in. He tried to look on the bright side - if there was one at all; had he been in Slytherin, he wouldn't even have a chance to try out for certain positions, while Gryffindor had everything available. (Except, that also spoke volumes of Gryffindor's chance at being useful...so...he supposed he'd have to wait and see.)

Towards the goalposts he went, taking his place beside the other prospective keepers. There were chasers there - (well, right now they were just overenthusiastic students pelting him with quaffles in the hope of scoring just one) - and he did what he could do stop them before he landed back on the ground.

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All right, time to do the Chaser trials. He was definitely preferring the beater position but he would see what happened. Going through the tasks which was slightly embarrassing since everyone else were first and second years except for Belby. Once he was done, he landed down again and got ready to do the Keeper trials.

beautiful set by the incomparable MJ!
Now was the time for him to undergo the Keeper tryout. This was definitely his last choice position. But if Jamie Baird could have a Keeper position with his busted up arm then chances were good that Royal could do well in it. He had full use of both his arms which was already a leg up on other houses. Once he was done the trial, he landed. Now all he could do was wait to see what the results would be.

beautiful set by the incomparable MJ!
Tried out and failed. That was last year. Now there was a new captain, and Hestia had an even bigger determination to join the team. Now having been part of the quidditch and flying club, she tried to keep calm. She hadn't tried out for keeper last year, as there hadn't been an opening on the team for that position. Quidditch club had been fun, getting to try out all of the positions. Keeper was a fun one, and the only one she would be trying out for today.

As Pru stated that they would practice almost every day, she smiled with excitement. Not only was quidditch fun and challenging, but it was a chance to bond with her team mates. Would she have helped bring the Quidditch Cup to Gryffindor if she had been on the team? Fate was a funny thing. She continued listening carefully, trying to ignore her nerves.

With the statement to go, she flew to the hoops as quick as she could. Keeping an eye out for the people trying out for Chaser, she also looked out for bludgers heading for her. All she could hope for was trying for better than her best. If she didn't get it this year, would she ever get on the team at all? When she was done, she landed and watched the others to see how each of them did.

Magic by MJ!
Last year had resulted in not making the team. Perhaps she was not good enough, or perhaps Mr. MacFusty really hadn't wanted too many young ladies in his team. Reasonable, though it also left her quite disappointed.

But this year was a new one. Perhaps she would make the team this year. If not, it might be a sign that she wasn't meant to play quidditch on a normal team. Holly would likely be pleased by that. Father didn't seem to care either way. Drusilla might be pleased, but who cares what she thinks.

Listening to Miss Browne, she nodded slightly as the fellow Gryffindor spoke. She would try for chaser first. The only position available that she would not try out for would be beater. The position had never been one that she was comfortable to play, as it was far too aggressive. And she wasn't that strong.

Taking a deep breath, she took off when needed. Flying fast, she did her best to avoid getting hit by bludgers as she carried out the task at hand. Then she landed and prepared for the next task that she was to participate in.

Magic by MJ

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