7 o'clock in the evening, Friday, September 7th, 1888 — Hogwarts' Quidditch Pitch
Pru had been pleased and not at all surprised that she'd been appointed Quidditch captain this year. She'd been vying for the spot all last year, given that several of their players - captain included - had graduated. They'd done horribly, so she planned to be extra choosy when picking who made the team this year. She'd be damned if she got any more first years (not that the losing streak was entirely their fault, of course, but it certainly hadn't helped.) She'd also taken the opportunity to appoint herself the beater position — something MacFusty ought to have done the first time around. Perhaps they would have had better chances last year if he hadn't had her pointlessly chasing around the snitch. She wasn't built for seeking.
"Evening Gryffindor team prospects! I'm Prudence Browne - Pru for short," She greeted the group cheerfully, "As I'm sure you know, we didn't do that well last year. We had some inexperienced players and rotten luck so now that I'm captain this year, we'll be practicing most every day. It's a large commitment so if you think your classwork is more important, then you can just leave now. I plan to bring the Quidditch Cup back home where it belongs."
Her eyes glinted darkly, "We've openings for Chaser, Beater, Keeper and Seeker. Try out for as many positions as you like. Do us all a favor and don't try out for a position you know you're awful at. I'm not keen on time-wasters.
There are two tasks - those who want to try for chaser need to make three successful passes to a teammate stationed above and then make a goal. Those trying for keeper will be stationed at the hoops and need to keep the chasers from scoring. I'll be setting bludgers loose on the field, so watch out for them. Those trying for beater need to hit at least three other players with one - on purpose. I'll not be counting any accidentals. You need to be able to aim them - especially if you want to survive a match against Slytherin. Lestrange plays for blood. Seekers will be timed at catching the snitch. Fastest one to do so gets the spot."
"Hop on your brooms and get moving," She ended with another smile and a cheerful clap of her hands, though the glint in her eye told all how seriously she was taking this.
Please post once for each position you are trying out for. Make sure you have filled in the requisite form and have received a “like” from Kayte before posting! The deadline for all posts is 6pm EST on September 9th.
By posting in this thread, you agree to have your character present and whole regardless of what happens between the date of posting and the IC date listed.
![[Image: xU9tKc.png]](https://cdnw.nickpic.host/xU9tKc.png)
set by Bee