Frilly Parasols wasn't funny, so Conall didn't laugh.
The puppy trotting at Frilly Parasols' heels was asking questions - fair questions - but got shot down pretty quickly by the resident healer in the group. But what did healers know about weather or the real world, cooped up in their hospitals all day long?
He didn't know either, admittedly. But he'd felt humidity like this before, thick in the air - maybe whatever followed the thunder would break it. "Feels like the rainforest," Conall muttered: of all the places he had been, the tropics had seen the most extreme kinds of weather, able to turn from heat to rain to back again in a flash, and the only mists he'd ever seen to rival this were in the Cloud Forests of Peru.
Not to point out the obvious, but, in more ominous tones, he added, "and thunder's usually a sign that something else's to come."
The puppy trotting at Frilly Parasols' heels was asking questions - fair questions - but got shot down pretty quickly by the resident healer in the group. But what did healers know about weather or the real world, cooped up in their hospitals all day long?
He didn't know either, admittedly. But he'd felt humidity like this before, thick in the air - maybe whatever followed the thunder would break it. "Feels like the rainforest," Conall muttered: of all the places he had been, the tropics had seen the most extreme kinds of weather, able to turn from heat to rain to back again in a flash, and the only mists he'd ever seen to rival this were in the Cloud Forests of Peru.
Not to point out the obvious, but, in more ominous tones, he added, "and thunder's usually a sign that something else's to come."