36 | Rep » 10 | UCPB | Gryffindor '69-'76 | Pansexual | Unattached
Hogsmeade Hospital Artifacts Incidents Healer In Charge
Perseus is a sociable and charismatic man with a taste for fun. He is intelligent and ambitious which has seen him earn leadership roles in his life from being Head Boy during his time in school to now being a healer in charge. He is the first cousin of both Ginevra Blackwood and Thaddeus Flint.
friends: likely to mostly be other UC men, he is a member of Blacks and was in Excaliburs before he aged out of it.
schoolmates: Percy was a Gryffindor from 1869 to 1876. He was affable, charming and outgoing. He joined the Gryffindor team as a Seeker in his second year up until the end of his sixth year (1870-1875). He was a prefect and became a Head Boy in his final year of 1875-1876.
co-workers: Perseus has been a healer since 1876, passing his trainee and junior years from 1876-1879. He is an Artifacts Incidents healer at Hogsmeade Hospital. He was Assistant Head from 1887-1893 and became Healer-In-Charge in 1893.
romance: Hurls would be 18+, UCPB/UCHB with a bias towards pureblood and absolutely must be fully human. Perseus likely has had affairs in the past though not extensively. He is Not Straight but this is a fact he is personally oblivious to and he thinks all men sometimes find other men to be bangable. He has never acted upon these urges.