June 26th, 1888 — High Street
It had been a while since Anne had convinced herself to go out into High Street that morning. She would have much rather forgotten about the incident with the frogs, but she couldn't help but want to go shopping again. Plus, work was starting soon, and she did like to get there early. More chance to see the cute healers.
Today, though, she stopped. She knew that she'd heard rumors of a Carnival, and her friends had even said they'd seen carnies. And then there was the whole hospital business. Hadn't they been cooped up there? Anne had missed a few days, she was shamed to say. The woman she was looking at certainly looked interesting.
"Excuse me." Anne said, "Are you...do you...tell fortunes?" she didn't want to offend the women if she wasn't a carnie, but she was so curious.