His look said everything; she was caught. She shifted her weight uncomfortably and glanced away from him, obviously uncomfortable. She didn't want to answer when he asked how long since she'd been turned, but there wasn't any way to avoid the question, and it wouldn't do her any good to lie. If this was just a passing conversation, perhaps she could skate through on bravado alone, but if she intended to talk to this person in the future — if she developed any sort of relationship with him, good, bad, or indifferent — he would figure her out sooner or later.
It isn't as though you have to be a hundred before you can have anything useful to say, she told herself, but she knew all the same that revealing this particular detail of her past would cut her credibility down to practically nothing. It was a familiar feeling, from her human life. For most of her life her role as little sister had defined the contributions she could make to conversations at the dinner table, the opinions she was permitted to have, the views she was allowed to express. It was so easy for her older brothers to dismiss her — particularly when Darcy was the Minister, and she was still just a haughty teenage girl.
"I was turned in 1883," she said levelly, looking at him again. She side-stepped the newborn babe comment, and hoped he wouldn't repeat it. She realized revealing her age left many of the other details of her past within easy grasp, if he had been listening in on the news in the past few years and cared to remember any of the details; her disappearance had caused quite the sensation, after all, due to her family position. Rather than shirking from the chance at being outed, however, Lyra embraced it; being recognized as the sister of the former Minister might be a way to restore some of the credibility she'd lost by revealing her age. To that end, she added as an additional clue, "Not far from here."
It occurred to her only after the words had left her mouth that it was entirely possible that the vampire who attacked her had lived here — it made far more sense, at any rate, than supposing some foreign vampire might be lurking in the woods within a few miles of the caverns, hunting humans whilst going undetected by his nearby neighbors. She didn't know anything about her attacker, since the incident had hardly been preceded by a tea party. It occurred to her, with a sudden chill, that it was possible Ishmael did. Oh, Merlin, what had she gotten herself into?
It isn't as though you have to be a hundred before you can have anything useful to say, she told herself, but she knew all the same that revealing this particular detail of her past would cut her credibility down to practically nothing. It was a familiar feeling, from her human life. For most of her life her role as little sister had defined the contributions she could make to conversations at the dinner table, the opinions she was permitted to have, the views she was allowed to express. It was so easy for her older brothers to dismiss her — particularly when Darcy was the Minister, and she was still just a haughty teenage girl.
"I was turned in 1883," she said levelly, looking at him again. She side-stepped the newborn babe comment, and hoped he wouldn't repeat it. She realized revealing her age left many of the other details of her past within easy grasp, if he had been listening in on the news in the past few years and cared to remember any of the details; her disappearance had caused quite the sensation, after all, due to her family position. Rather than shirking from the chance at being outed, however, Lyra embraced it; being recognized as the sister of the former Minister might be a way to restore some of the credibility she'd lost by revealing her age. To that end, she added as an additional clue, "Not far from here."
It occurred to her only after the words had left her mouth that it was entirely possible that the vampire who attacked her had lived here — it made far more sense, at any rate, than supposing some foreign vampire might be lurking in the woods within a few miles of the caverns, hunting humans whilst going undetected by his nearby neighbors. She didn't know anything about her attacker, since the incident had hardly been preceded by a tea party. It occurred to her, with a sudden chill, that it was possible Ishmael did. Oh, Merlin, what had she gotten herself into?