Jude frowned at the assessment of his friends being ‘shady’. Shady, really. Aside from Morales, whom he did not trust an inch, Jude thought society ought to learn to tell the difference between good people in bad situations, and vice versa. (That might reveal some horrifying truths about the magazine’s readership, however.)
He raised an eyebrow at Esteban’s addition - not about being shady, but being good looking. Not that Jude... disagreed. It wasn’t the sort of thing he was given to consciously noticing, regularly, since they’d all known one another for years, but... Objectively, they were not unappealing.
It was not the sort of thing he felt he had the capacity to joke about, however, so he only rolled his eyes as they both made out that they’d had any influence on his marriage prospects whatsoever. “Yes, you,” Jude agreed - meaning all of them, but not quite able to meet Kieran’s eyes, regardless - “and the minor fact that I have no interest in getting married.”
Surely that was no surprise to Esteban or Kieran. Perhaps it only made the article funnier. “Maybe I should be writing Witch Weekly a thank you note,” he added, straight-faced.
He raised an eyebrow at Esteban’s addition - not about being shady, but being good looking. Not that Jude... disagreed. It wasn’t the sort of thing he was given to consciously noticing, regularly, since they’d all known one another for years, but... Objectively, they were not unappealing.
It was not the sort of thing he felt he had the capacity to joke about, however, so he only rolled his eyes as they both made out that they’d had any influence on his marriage prospects whatsoever. “Yes, you,” Jude agreed - meaning all of them, but not quite able to meet Kieran’s eyes, regardless - “and the minor fact that I have no interest in getting married.”
Surely that was no surprise to Esteban or Kieran. Perhaps it only made the article funnier. “Maybe I should be writing Witch Weekly a thank you note,” he added, straight-faced.