“Nothing too unpleasant,” Ishmael assured him, his grin just sincere enough. And it wasn’t, strictly speaking, too unpleasant, being fed on: perhaps a little pain initially, but nothing lasting, and nothing you couldn’t get used to - Ishmael would go so far as to say some people almost began to enjoy it, and the light-headedness that typically accompanied the blood loss. He was not going to detail the whole process here, however, for everyone to hear it. Demonstrating would be faster.
“And I’d be happy to reimburse you for your help,” he added nonchalantly. As a token of his generosity - a sign of good faith - Ishmael fished out some sickles from his pocket and slid them across the table. “Have another drink first, think on it.” (He could have a good few drinks on that money.) He slid out easily from his chair, and paused to lean atop the back of it. “I’m headed out for some fresh air -” and the midnight privacy of the alleyways around the corner, “- and I’ll wait awhile, but don’t feel obliged.” How long Ishmael hung around varied, time from time, on how he judged the poor human on their scruples, lack thereof, or fear of getting murdered.
But this was still easier than murdering people. Mostly.
“And I’d be happy to reimburse you for your help,” he added nonchalantly. As a token of his generosity - a sign of good faith - Ishmael fished out some sickles from his pocket and slid them across the table. “Have another drink first, think on it.” (He could have a good few drinks on that money.) He slid out easily from his chair, and paused to lean atop the back of it. “I’m headed out for some fresh air -” and the midnight privacy of the alleyways around the corner, “- and I’ll wait awhile, but don’t feel obliged.” How long Ishmael hung around varied, time from time, on how he judged the poor human on their scruples, lack thereof, or fear of getting murdered.
But this was still easier than murdering people. Mostly.