“Did you now?” Ishmael queried, interest piqued still further. Trained as a nurse! That was not only clever, but rather impressive. He had met plenty of vampires, over the years - enough that Ishmael tended to suppose he’d seen a good cross-section of their society, a reasonable sample from which to determine how things worked, what was à la mode - but very few had anything resembling a legitimate career. A career, certainly (after all, he considered himself employed, to this day), but not a respectable vocation like a nurse, and particularly not working alongside humans. There were some, after all, but a vampire’s time in such professions tended not to last all that long.
He wondered if that was why she had fled America. However much control she possessed - and she must have had some, to work in a hospital without killing every patient she came across - few people lasted without a slip-up, here and there.
“How exciting!” He exclaimed, with a grin; his tone was a little melodramatic, perhaps, but not meant to be mocking. “And, mmm, convenient. Nothing does compare to fresh.” One of the few surgical skills Ishmael had picked up from all his (fairly idle) years had been the proper (human) processes of bloodletting, so that he could carefully collect up donations, then store them or pass them on, from his - well, more squeamish contributors. Since fresh blood was best, Ishmael personally chose to drink straight from the donator, if and when he could.
“What forced you to leave?” He asked; there were a range of reasons vampires moved on from place to place, many more than ‘of one’s own volition’. “And,” Ishmael added, amiably, “I might be able to help you find a new supply, if you need it - if you plan on staying, of course.” She may not need help finding new fresh blood - but it was not as though she would get away with working in a magical hospital here in Hogsmeade.
He wondered if that was why she had fled America. However much control she possessed - and she must have had some, to work in a hospital without killing every patient she came across - few people lasted without a slip-up, here and there.
“How exciting!” He exclaimed, with a grin; his tone was a little melodramatic, perhaps, but not meant to be mocking. “And, mmm, convenient. Nothing does compare to fresh.” One of the few surgical skills Ishmael had picked up from all his (fairly idle) years had been the proper (human) processes of bloodletting, so that he could carefully collect up donations, then store them or pass them on, from his - well, more squeamish contributors. Since fresh blood was best, Ishmael personally chose to drink straight from the donator, if and when he could.
“What forced you to leave?” He asked; there were a range of reasons vampires moved on from place to place, many more than ‘of one’s own volition’. “And,” Ishmael added, amiably, “I might be able to help you find a new supply, if you need it - if you plan on staying, of course.” She may not need help finding new fresh blood - but it was not as though she would get away with working in a magical hospital here in Hogsmeade.