Calla Potts - I think Wally would be pretty friendly with her in return!
Edison Moony - I think he would be friendly enough with Ned though privately thinks he's a bit of a nerd. xD He would not actively seek out a tutor on his own so would not ask Thomas, let alone try to convince him. He's got quite a bit of pride on 'im.
Sisse Thompsett - He would be pretty nice to Sisse. Maybe Anandhita could be his Transfiguration tutor?
wally has extensive burn scars on the right side of his upper body (including his face and over his right eye) and the lower part of his left leg is missing.
Edison Moony - I think he would be friendly enough with Ned though privately thinks he's a bit of a nerd. xD He would not actively seek out a tutor on his own so would not ask Thomas, let alone try to convince him. He's got quite a bit of pride on 'im.
Sisse Thompsett - He would be pretty nice to Sisse. Maybe Anandhita could be his Transfiguration tutor?