The Head Boy was asking her for help to catch the trouble-maker! This was so exciting! Seneca would have her chance for revenge, provided she didn’t go overboard with it. Besides, Mr. Whitledge could get a good word in about her to the professors and prefect season was so close...
“Of course!” Seneca readily replied. There was a hint of her typical smug smile. It always felt good to be acknowledged for your skills.
”Well then, I’m waiting for you to catch me!” sounded the unknown female’s voice from behind a wall Seneca immediately pointed her wand at.
“Of course!” Seneca readily replied. There was a hint of her typical smug smile. It always felt good to be acknowledged for your skills.
”Well then, I’m waiting for you to catch me!” sounded the unknown female’s voice from behind a wall Seneca immediately pointed her wand at.