The boy seemed comfortable enough with the situation so far - fair enough, he'd gotten a drink out of it, most people in this pub wouldn't have been averse to that - but whether it was because he was oblivious to any possibility of attached strings to making Ishmael's acquaintance or on the just right verge of desperation enough to consider almost anything, he hadn't decided yet.
He'd introduced himself, though. Kieran. "Yousef," Ishmael returned genially, not going to throw around the name most people knew him by these days for what might only be a one-time thing (or a no-time thing). "It's good to meet you," he added, leaning forwards a fraction; this time when he smiled, it was with an open mouth, sharpened canines glinting conspicuously. If Kieran hadn't had a hunch already, that ought to be plenty to start the cogs turning. The beginnings of an offer was on the tip of his tongue, but Ishmael held back for the moment, interested to see if what he was was already a step too far for the young man.
He'd introduced himself, though. Kieran. "Yousef," Ishmael returned genially, not going to throw around the name most people knew him by these days for what might only be a one-time thing (or a no-time thing). "It's good to meet you," he added, leaning forwards a fraction; this time when he smiled, it was with an open mouth, sharpened canines glinting conspicuously. If Kieran hadn't had a hunch already, that ought to be plenty to start the cogs turning. The beginnings of an offer was on the tip of his tongue, but Ishmael held back for the moment, interested to see if what he was was already a step too far for the young man.