Arthur nodded in agreement when Sisse mentioned the greenhouses’ openness and blooming flowers. He had some allergies, including pollen of several different plants, yet there was nothing in the greenhouses at this time of the year that would make Arthur cry or sneeze. And although he preferred to keep his distance from most flowers, just in case, he still enjoyed the sight of them.
”So, you’ve come here to draw the flowers you like while they’re still in bloom?” Arthur asked, mostly to keep the conversation going. Although he strongly suspected the positive answer, the boy wanted to put as much small talk as possible between the awkward start and the time the two would go back to their business. To leave the whole parchment thing further behind. "Is it for the Art class or just for recreation?"
”So, you’ve come here to draw the flowers you like while they’re still in bloom?” Arthur asked, mostly to keep the conversation going. Although he strongly suspected the positive answer, the boy wanted to put as much small talk as possible between the awkward start and the time the two would go back to their business. To leave the whole parchment thing further behind. "Is it for the Art class or just for recreation?"