With the matter of dropped parchment somewhat forgotten, Arthur felt much easier. The topic of actual homework was more appealing and didn’t invoke any guild or remind him about initial awkwardness of the situation. Moreover, Sisse seemed to think the essay could end up quite interesting.
“A ruler for the leaves and a measuring tape for Shrivelfigs themselves. The leaves also have magical properties, you see, so I’m measuring them, as well,” Arthur explained. "Measure enough of them, gather some statistics, see whether there is anything special. Then write about it." He believed Sisse was genuinely interested in his work. ”I want to see how different plants can be, given the same care and conditions. And it’s always better to do your assignments in the greenhouses rather than the library, don’t you think?” the boy smiled, eager to explain his plan to improve (home)working conditions.
“A ruler for the leaves and a measuring tape for Shrivelfigs themselves. The leaves also have magical properties, you see, so I’m measuring them, as well,” Arthur explained. "Measure enough of them, gather some statistics, see whether there is anything special. Then write about it." He believed Sisse was genuinely interested in his work. ”I want to see how different plants can be, given the same care and conditions. And it’s always better to do your assignments in the greenhouses rather than the library, don’t you think?” the boy smiled, eager to explain his plan to improve (home)working conditions.