This couldn't be happening. Tuni couldn't be standing directly in front of the man that had unknowingly stolen, and broken, her heart. What was worse was that her body reacted in the opposite way in which it should. She should be fleeing at the sight at him, at having felt him after running right into him. But instead, she was still standing much to close to him and staring up at him almost longingly. The gentle way in which he adjusted her flower crown made her smile just slightly. Then the sound of his voice saying her name caused those butterflies in her stomach to go on a rampage.
"Mr. Bixby," she answered, softly but sweetly. There was no malice in her voice, not the way there had been in her words in response to their argument through letters. As much as she wanted to be mad still, she found she couldn't. Perhaps it was because he was standing there right in front of her. He looked at her with his own brown eyes and she found herself still quite utterly speechless.
And then he'd held out a hand and asked her to danced. She found herself mutely reaching for his hand just as he grasped it and before she knew it, he was pulling her into the crowd. The jostling appeared to be just what she needed to draw her back to her senses. She needed to apologize, needed to explain herself but she couldn't very well do that while he was leading her into the fray.
"Hold on," she found herself saying as she mustered up the courage to speak to him, "I need to apologize. Need to explain myself. I didn't mean to mislead you. I just.. you don't know what my family is like. What it's been like for me."
"Mr. Bixby," she answered, softly but sweetly. There was no malice in her voice, not the way there had been in her words in response to their argument through letters. As much as she wanted to be mad still, she found she couldn't. Perhaps it was because he was standing there right in front of her. He looked at her with his own brown eyes and she found herself still quite utterly speechless.
And then he'd held out a hand and asked her to danced. She found herself mutely reaching for his hand just as he grasped it and before she knew it, he was pulling her into the crowd. The jostling appeared to be just what she needed to draw her back to her senses. She needed to apologize, needed to explain herself but she couldn't very well do that while he was leading her into the fray.
"Hold on," she found herself saying as she mustered up the courage to speak to him, "I need to apologize. Need to explain myself. I didn't mean to mislead you. I just.. you don't know what my family is like. What it's been like for me."
Another Glorious MJ Set!
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![[Image: xy6Q4W.png]](