Arthur was here, because, well, it wasn't like he had anything better to do than watch a boat disappear over the horizon all morning. Before the Quidditch season started, he had a lot more free time than he was really comfortable with.
He saw the girl rather on accident, and approached at the casual saunter that he used for rich people. Before he could greet her, she raised an eyebrow at him, and Arthur shrugged his shoulders. "So you're the girl," he said, "Well, not the girl. You're the Ireland girl." He quirked his eyebrow back at her. She'd get it, he thought.
He saw the girl rather on accident, and approached at the casual saunter that he used for rich people. Before he could greet her, she raised an eyebrow at him, and Arthur shrugged his shoulders. "So you're the girl," he said, "Well, not the girl. You're the Ireland girl." He quirked his eyebrow back at her. She'd get it, he thought.