April 28th, 1888
Miss Scrimgeour,
I am sorry if I am being quite a bother but there are many people worried about you and your well being. My sisters say that you must have run off with some man and eloped with him but I feel they are misjudging you entirely. I know you a bit of a sight better than they do for I actually work with you daily - or did - and they only know what they read in that torrid gossip rag they subscribe to.
Even if that were the case, I feel you would at least assure your friends that you are safe and sound when they express worry. At least, I have always considered us to be friends.
Even if that were the case, I feel you would at least assure your friends that you are safe and sound when they express worry. At least, I have always considered us to be friends.
Richard Gladstone
Richard Gladstone

graphics by Lady!