The boy ceased his dawdling, but Nathaniel noted with some displeasure that Theodore now seemed hell-bent on racing him to their escape. The wizard sighed internally, but did not have time to deal with this latest show of force—the Ravenclaw's attitude could be dealt with the next day, or the next week. For now, it was Thaniel's priority merely to get him and his boy home safely, before the change overtook him.
Theodore's increase of speed was not enough, though, and while father and son were now safely beyond the tree line and away from the festivities proper, the wizard knew that his time had run out.
With the moon now plainly visible in the sky, and the sun having made its exit for the night, he doubled over to the ground in pain, feeling as if every last cell in his body was being ripped in two.
"Apparate home, Theodore!" Thaniel gasped, letting out a shout of pain. He knew the boy was too young to apparate, had never learned how—but his son was bright, and surely he had read something? Even if he hadn't, a blind attempt would be better than getting mauled by a werewolf.
If Nathaniel could have taken on the risk himself, he would have done so in a heartbeat. The risk of splinching himself was nothing next to the risk of Theodore doing the same (or worse). But Thaniel was past the point of control, and even if the wizard could now still use any sort of magic, the pain and buzz fighting one another in his head would never let him control it.
Theodore's increase of speed was not enough, though, and while father and son were now safely beyond the tree line and away from the festivities proper, the wizard knew that his time had run out.
With the moon now plainly visible in the sky, and the sun having made its exit for the night, he doubled over to the ground in pain, feeling as if every last cell in his body was being ripped in two.
"Apparate home, Theodore!" Thaniel gasped, letting out a shout of pain. He knew the boy was too young to apparate, had never learned how—but his son was bright, and surely he had read something? Even if he hadn't, a blind attempt would be better than getting mauled by a werewolf.
If Nathaniel could have taken on the risk himself, he would have done so in a heartbeat. The risk of splinching himself was nothing next to the risk of Theodore doing the same (or worse). But Thaniel was past the point of control, and even if the wizard could now still use any sort of magic, the pain and buzz fighting one another in his head would never let him control it.

— pretties by Soph ❤ —