She had him there. It had been a form of selfishness, really, that had prompted him to seek a second wife, but how could he tell her that? How could Nathaniel admit that he had married her for the benefit of his existing children, not for her own or that of the children she would go on to bear him? How could he admit to failing so utterly as a husband in that respect?
“Cecily and Theodore needed a mother,” he admitted at last, quietly, “whether they believed so or not. The same attack that so…so tainted me stole away my first wife, stole from them their mother. Stole from them a part of their father. In marrying you…I thought not of myself, but of returning some level of normalcy to their lives. It was cowardly,” Thaniel admitted, “to bring you into all this, but a coward is what I am,” he practically spat the word.
“Cecily and Theodore needed a mother,” he admitted at last, quietly, “whether they believed so or not. The same attack that so…so tainted me stole away my first wife, stole from them their mother. Stole from them a part of their father. In marrying you…I thought not of myself, but of returning some level of normalcy to their lives. It was cowardly,” Thaniel admitted, “to bring you into all this, but a coward is what I am,” he practically spat the word.

— pretties by Soph ❤ —