April 9th
Miss Pendergast,
I didn't deny knowing her because I do know her, but last I checked it isn't a crime to have met people. I don't know what you think is still going on between us where you have the right to decide who I should and shouldn't introduce myself to. Not even the craziest of possessive wives get to just outright ban their husbands from ever looking at a lady for the rest of their lives, so I suggest you tone down your expectations. You're not going to find your Pureblood Prince Charming if you insist on jumping to insane conclusions.
And I defended her because she didn't do anything wrong. She's not a whore. If she'd said the same thing about you, I would have defended you, too — but I didn't have to, because Miss Scrimgeour isn't overreacting to every rumor she's ever heard in her life. And she seems to know when things aren't any of her business.
Reuben Crouch
I didn't deny knowing her because I do know her, but last I checked it isn't a crime to have met people. I don't know what you think is still going on between us where you have the right to decide who I should and shouldn't introduce myself to. Not even the craziest of possessive wives get to just outright ban their husbands from ever looking at a lady for the rest of their lives, so I suggest you tone down your expectations. You're not going to find your Pureblood Prince Charming if you insist on jumping to insane conclusions.
And I defended her because she didn't do anything wrong. She's not a whore. If she'd said the same thing about you, I would have defended you, too — but I didn't have to, because Miss Scrimgeour isn't overreacting to every rumor she's ever heard in her life. And she seems to know when things aren't any of her business.

MJ made this <3