The problem with losing his shit job was, that, well, he had no money. Without a steady income, he could contribute to neither Fallon's education nor his rent in the flat with Eileen - and while his sister's tuition was already paid, rent was a pressing, monthly issue. Eileen was patient, (with him and no one else,) but she wasn't a saint - if Kieran had to flake on their rent, she was going to smother him.
The bar, probably, wasn't the best place to handle his financial woes. It was a good place to handle his financial stress, though, and to complain to the bartender and hope that things came through. A week. He had one week to make rent, and with the sum he owed the landlord, a few knuts on a pint wasn't going to make much of a difference.
The pint disappeared too quickly. Kieran was mentally calculating the prospect of selling his body -- ultimately not worth it -- and if he knew anyone who would give him the sum, which was also a no. He probably shouldn't spend more of his knuts on booze, though, because he was going to have to hoard them - and suddenly, a new full pint was sliding toward him. Jostled from his problems, Kieran looked to see an oddly gray-colored man with dark circles under his eyes. He grinned.
"You're sure?" Kieran said, raising the glass to take a sip right after he asked - he wasn't one to look a gift vampire horse in the mouth.
The bar, probably, wasn't the best place to handle his financial woes. It was a good place to handle his financial stress, though, and to complain to the bartender and hope that things came through. A week. He had one week to make rent, and with the sum he owed the landlord, a few knuts on a pint wasn't going to make much of a difference.
The pint disappeared too quickly. Kieran was mentally calculating the prospect of selling his body -- ultimately not worth it -- and if he knew anyone who would give him the sum, which was also a no. He probably shouldn't spend more of his knuts on booze, though, because he was going to have to hoard them - and suddenly, a new full pint was sliding toward him. Jostled from his problems, Kieran looked to see an oddly gray-colored man with dark circles under his eyes. He grinned.
"You're sure?" Kieran said, raising the glass to take a sip right after he asked - he wasn't one to look a gift vampire horse in the mouth.