Hi, Brielle! I have way too many students who Posey might know!
Frida Lestrange is my Hufflepuff sixth year who is also a prefect. She's not too bookish, but she studies hard in the classes she does take (... which I think is Herbology, Potions, and History of Magic).
Eldin Bones is head boy and is obsessively trying to become a healer, which means getting good exam scores in classes he's not the strongest in. He's taking seven classes, so his library trips are probably long and frequent.
Holly Scrimgeour is my bookworm character. She's very ambitious but doesn't have a specific goal; she only knows that she wants to outdo everyone in her year. She's close to the Slytherin matron, but has gotten on the "bad" side of a handful of teachers for her aggressive response to conflict.
She's only seen Cameron Gillenwater when she's being dragged to the library to complete a project. I'm getting more and more convinced that quidditch is his favorite school subject :P
I have other students, too, who are here to suit your needs: Archie Diggory, Flora Mulciber, Hortense Selwyn, and Orinda Ruskin!
Frida Lestrange is my Hufflepuff sixth year who is also a prefect. She's not too bookish, but she studies hard in the classes she does take (... which I think is Herbology, Potions, and History of Magic).
Eldin Bones is head boy and is obsessively trying to become a healer, which means getting good exam scores in classes he's not the strongest in. He's taking seven classes, so his library trips are probably long and frequent.
Holly Scrimgeour is my bookworm character. She's very ambitious but doesn't have a specific goal; she only knows that she wants to outdo everyone in her year. She's close to the Slytherin matron, but has gotten on the "bad" side of a handful of teachers for her aggressive response to conflict.
She's only seen Cameron Gillenwater when she's being dragged to the library to complete a project. I'm getting more and more convinced that quidditch is his favorite school subject :P
I have other students, too, who are here to suit your needs: Archie Diggory, Flora Mulciber, Hortense Selwyn, and Orinda Ruskin!