CHARMS: A - I feel she could have done better, she just chose not to
MEMORY: The first time she can remember her father favoring her over everyone else.
AND… 4
FORM: Dove
Magic by Athena

CHARMS: A - I feel she could have done better, she just chose not to
MEMORY: The first time she can remember her father favoring her over everyone else.
AND… 4
FORM: Dove
What would her patronus be like? Liliana had wondered that ever since fifth year. It wasn't like she was bad at school per say, she just didn't find it worth the effort. Of course, she had her favored classes. Her OWLs had actually gotten an O in that, one of her few Os to speak of. She wasn't the smartest person in the world, but she was smarter than her grades showed and she did have an actual interest in the outcome of this lesson "Expecto Patronum."