Oh, well then. Delighted enough as she had been with the tale, and Mr. Fisk’s telling of it, perhaps the best plot twist of all was what came next. “What a pity,” Carmelina said primly - it might have been safest to say nothing at all and pretend she could not fathom what he might’ve meant about the woman’s inclinations, or lack thereof, but not able to resist entirely. And maybe Mr. Fisk was more astute than many men she’d come across, or at least a little more au fait with divergent experiences in the world, having travelled far and seen many things.
Carmelina had seen her fair share of the world, but that did not mean she wasn’t entirely surprised by the ferret clambering through the window! She blinked in bemusement, but unlike some of the other nearby patrons, all she was suppressing by biting down on her bottom lip was a wave of chuckling; and even then, she hadn’t stopped the laughter leaking out. Virgil! What an excellent name.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, in slight disappointment but well-enough understanding, rising from her chair as well. “Another dashing escape! Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Fisk - and to meet you too, Virgil,” she said, in stage-whisper tones and a wide smile. “I do hope we’ll meet again.”
Carmelina had seen her fair share of the world, but that did not mean she wasn’t entirely surprised by the ferret clambering through the window! She blinked in bemusement, but unlike some of the other nearby patrons, all she was suppressing by biting down on her bottom lip was a wave of chuckling; and even then, she hadn’t stopped the laughter leaking out. Virgil! What an excellent name.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, in slight disappointment but well-enough understanding, rising from her chair as well. “Another dashing escape! Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Fisk - and to meet you too, Virgil,” she said, in stage-whisper tones and a wide smile. “I do hope we’ll meet again.”