“Thank you,” Marina said promptly, regardless of whether his agreement of her capabilities was honestly meant or just a sarcastic aside (if it were from her husband’s mouth, it would no doubt be the latter). With his help they were catching the girl up. Tryphena - for it was Tryphena, she was certain - had not seemed to notice them yet, instead rather too engrossed in chatting up some man. This was obviously rule number one of things not to do when Marina wasn’t looming over her shoulder, and thus Miss Vane obviously took an inordinate amount of pleasure in it.
Still, Marina was confident of catching her, and as a chaperon - and as an accomplished lady - she had long since learnt to multitask. Which was why she did not bother slowing down to continue her conversation - and indeed, to make introductions. “Mrs. Marina Ramos. And you are?”
Still, Marina was confident of catching her, and as a chaperon - and as an accomplished lady - she had long since learnt to multitask. Which was why she did not bother slowing down to continue her conversation - and indeed, to make introductions. “Mrs. Marina Ramos. And you are?”

lady is a gift