Look at her go, with a personal Moses to part the tides! Marina rather wondered whether she couldn’t employ this fellow on a day-to-day basis. (No, indeed, but she hadn’t the means to employ anyone these days, thanks to her bloody husband.)
At his question, she snorted. Makes a habit of giving me hell, she didn’t say, because if word got back to Cornelius Vane that she’d been badmouthing his daughter to strangers in the streets she’d face another circle of hell entirely. Still, she imagined this gentleman could see something of her dislike in her face. (She hadn’t much luck in hiding it, usually.)
How was the nicest way she could put it? “She might look like a young lady, but she’s still a child at heart,” she muttered to him darkly, with a knowing look in her eye that suggested if he had any experience of children at all he would know what a trial they could be. (She told herself this often, that her niece being a nasty piece of work was proof that all children were a nuisance, and she was lucky not to have any to care for. For a split-second here or there, she even believed it.) “But I am more than a match for her,” she added, narrowing her eyes as she thought she, too, caught sight of the dress he’d pointed out.
At his question, she snorted. Makes a habit of giving me hell, she didn’t say, because if word got back to Cornelius Vane that she’d been badmouthing his daughter to strangers in the streets she’d face another circle of hell entirely. Still, she imagined this gentleman could see something of her dislike in her face. (She hadn’t much luck in hiding it, usually.)
How was the nicest way she could put it? “She might look like a young lady, but she’s still a child at heart,” she muttered to him darkly, with a knowing look in her eye that suggested if he had any experience of children at all he would know what a trial they could be. (She told herself this often, that her niece being a nasty piece of work was proof that all children were a nuisance, and she was lucky not to have any to care for. For a split-second here or there, she even believed it.) “But I am more than a match for her,” she added, narrowing her eyes as she thought she, too, caught sight of the dress he’d pointed out.