MEMORY: Receiving his head boy and quidditch captain badge.
AND… 4. He was full of glee, but there was also a lot of anxiety surrounding that moment.
FORM: Random

MEMORY: Receiving his head boy and quidditch captain badge.
AND… 4. He was full of glee, but there was also a lot of anxiety surrounding that moment.
FORM: Random
Eldin had never succeeded at casting the patronus charm, but was determined to do so before he left school. He wasn't pursuing a career where the charm was necessary, but he didn't know one person who wasn't curious about what form their patronus would take. He imagined his would be something athletic and something masculine—or, in accordance with Spangle's theories, would it take the form of something soft and delicate? He couldn't be sure until he succeeded.
He tried to remember the day he received his head boy and quidditch captain badge. The summer before had been filled with such fear when his mother had disappeared during the Irvingly Expedition, so being able to present to her tokens of his success the next year was both an excitement and a relief.
"Expecto patronum!" he cast with confidence.
He tried to remember the day he received his head boy and quidditch captain badge. The summer before had been filled with such fear when his mother had disappeared during the Irvingly Expedition, so being able to present to her tokens of his success the next year was both an excitement and a relief.
"Expecto patronum!" he cast with confidence.