MEMORY: Her mother braiding her hair. There's a conversation going on in the memory between the two of them, but her mother's laughter is the most striking part of the memory. It takes place not too long before her mother's death.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
Clementine sat rather quietly listening to Professor Sleptov describe the spell they were to be working on. She'd heard of it, of course, from older students working tirelessly on it in the common room. She carefully printed down a few notes and watched as a few seventh years got to work on their attempts. She took a few moments to consider which memory she was to summon up.
Her mother's laughter filled her head, and she tried to concentrate on it while she attempted the spell, "Expecto Patronum."
![[Image: fuqNxWe.png]](
MJ is the best!
MEMORY: Her mother braiding her hair. There's a conversation going on in the memory between the two of them, but her mother's laughter is the most striking part of the memory. It takes place not too long before her mother's death.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
Clementine sat rather quietly listening to Professor Sleptov describe the spell they were to be working on. She'd heard of it, of course, from older students working tirelessly on it in the common room. She carefully printed down a few notes and watched as a few seventh years got to work on their attempts. She took a few moments to consider which memory she was to summon up.
Her mother's laughter filled her head, and she tried to concentrate on it while she attempted the spell, "Expecto Patronum."
![[Image: fuqNxWe.png]](
MJ is the best!