MEMORY: One of the times that she and Ignatius simply sat together and talked. About their families, their hopes for the future.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Throughout this thread. Posted a lot in it. Best was 13.5.
Magic by Elaine!

MEMORY: One of the times that she and Ignatius simply sat together and talked. About their families, their hopes for the future.
AND… 4
FORM: Random
PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: Throughout this thread. Posted a lot in it. Best was 13.5.
Her last year of Hogwarts, last year of practicing this charm on an official basis, and Acacia was nervous. Excited, but nervous. She wanted to do well, and was curious to see what her patronus was in the first place. If she was going to be a healer, she was going to have to focus more on her career than attempts at patronus making.
She took a moment to remember the stance, made corrections for which she could remember to make. And then, "Expecto Patronum."
She took a moment to remember the stance, made corrections for which she could remember to make. And then, "Expecto Patronum."