"Indeed, Miss Fawley," Nikolai confirmed, the incantation scrawling itself on the blackboard behind him. "Five points for Gryffindor. It is not an easy spell by any measure, but one that you will be expected to successfully perform on your N.E.W.T.s. Expecto Patronum!"
The wizard made the complex spell look easy, a corporeal, silvery tufted deer leaping gracefully from the point of his wand. The false-creature sniffed at the air for a moment before a wave of Nik's wand caused it to vanish as quickly as it appeared.
"It is a spell you will spend the reminder of the hour endeavoring to perform."
It was as close to a get to work as the pupils were likely to get.
Please include in your first post the form below. In the case of the last point, omit the rest of the sheet ;) Each post should end with them casting the spell; results will be posted every few attempts. If you change memories later, please include the memory/and in the appropriate posts. See this thread if you’re confused!
The wizard made the complex spell look easy, a corporeal, silvery tufted deer leaping gracefully from the point of his wand. The false-creature sniffed at the air for a moment before a wave of Nik's wand caused it to vanish as quickly as it appeared.
"It is a spell you will spend the reminder of the hour endeavoring to perform."
It was as close to a get to work as the pupils were likely to get.
Please include in your first post the form below. In the case of the last point, omit the rest of the sheet ;) Each post should end with them casting the spell; results will be posted every few attempts. If you change memories later, please include the memory/and in the appropriate posts. See this thread if you’re confused!
[b]SKILL:[/b] General skill, with 1 being average (the lowest anyone would be in this NEWT course), 3 being “quite good”, and 5 being “can expect to get into the Auror program if they had the inkling”. Most of you should be in the 1-3 range.
[b]CHARMS:[/b] What did you get on your charms OWL?
[b]MEMORY:[/b] The memory your character will be using.
[b]AND…[/b] 1-5 with five being “they will never be happier than in this memory” and 1 being “it was nice at the time”.
[b]FORM:[/b] What your character’s patronus will be if successful! Select random if you want me to choose based on my knowledge of the character. They can change over time so it’s not permanent, but will probably stick until a Massive Event in your character’s life.
[b]PREVIOUSLY ON DADA:[/b] Include any results your character has had in the past for trying to accomplish this! Mostly for seventh years—sixth years haven’t been taught formally yet. Please link to the applicable post.

— set by soph! —