Galina's lips quirked up at the woman's comparison as she proved Galina's point in precisely the manner Galina wished. Simply because she resembled a person in a painting of a Queen's court hardly made her a noble. The fact that she was indeed the noble depicted, however, need not be proved. But at least now she knew where Mrs. Skeeter was getting her information. They had people looking into her and her silence was costing her the very privacy that had allowed her to thrive for a century and a half.
"I fail to see what help is being offered here." Galina stated, looking pointedly at the room about her. Yes, she knew what they wanted, but help would only come in the form of allowing her out of this prison cell, that was not at all what Mrs. Skeeter was offering.
"I fail to see what help is being offered here." Galina stated, looking pointedly at the room about her. Yes, she knew what they wanted, but help would only come in the form of allowing her out of this prison cell, that was not at all what Mrs. Skeeter was offering.