Kentigern nodded in confirmation, wondering if perhaps the woman didn't know what he meant. A smile snuck onto his lips as the woman answered his question. She had quite the colorful way of speaking.
"No offence could be taken as I am not an Englishman myself," the Scot assured. So, the young woman he was looking for was pale. He scanned thr crowds again and thought he saw the clothing that had been described. "I think I see her but I can't be certain from this distance." Then again, it wasn't like he knew completely what she looked like in the first place.
"No offence could be taken as I am not an Englishman myself," the Scot assured. So, the young woman he was looking for was pale. He scanned thr crowds again and thought he saw the clothing that had been described. "I think I see her but I can't be certain from this distance." Then again, it wasn't like he knew completely what she looked like in the first place.