December 2nd, 1889 — Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom
Nikolai Sleptov had not been at his best since returning to the castle in September. Concerns over Eva's impending childbirth—she would, he was told, deliver early in the new year—and Petra's continued state of hovering between various phases in her life were dwarfed (though he could never admit as much aloud) by his disquiet at Rose's prolonged absence. With any luck, the wizard knew, he would hear news soon, but for now, it was an everlasting game of waiting.Today, though, ought to put a smile upon his face.
"Though I can assure you that the British Ministry of Magic has an exemplary relationship with the dementors of our nation," the wizard continued his lesson on dementors, "it is nevertheless prudent that one should know how to defend themselves if at the...wrong end of such a creature. Do any of my sixth years know—or can any of my seventh years recall—the most effective way to deter a dementor?"
First hand can assume they're called on! Open to all NEWT-level Defence kids.
(@"Acacia Ruskin", Goodluck Warbeck, Sweetie Whitledge, Eldin Bones, October Lynch, Chrysanta Ruskin, Clementine Rookwood, Sherah Drago, Citrine Weasley, Sage Macnair, Cordelia Fawley, Justice Rookwood, et al!)
Happy Patronus season, everyone!

— set by soph! —