Maddie seemed to be making sense, but Handsome obviously wasn't hearing any of it. Just the thought of her being independent was ugh. Young ladies weren't supposed to be independent — but at least she wasn't poor anymore? That really didn't mean society would treat her like that though. They'd likely always treat her as the girl who went from the bank of a baker, rather than a well-bred woman who'd associated with money since birth.
"Just - Just be careful, Maddie," he prompted, lowering his voice so passersby couldn't hear. "Once people find out, they'll without a doubt try and manipulate you. Get things from you. Get you. I don't want that," he warned, wishing they had some level of privacy right now so he could at least touch her hand (which seemed awfully chaste considering some of their previous touches) to show that he cared.
— set by MJ —
"Just - Just be careful, Maddie," he prompted, lowering his voice so passersby couldn't hear. "Once people find out, they'll without a doubt try and manipulate you. Get things from you. Get you. I don't want that," he warned, wishing they had some level of privacy right now so he could at least touch her hand (which seemed awfully chaste considering some of their previous touches) to show that he cared.
— set by MJ —