Though they had crossed to the tearoom and were safely planted on chairs, Carmelina was already in danger of knocking over the teapot that had been set upon their table as she poured it out for them both. No less foolhardy, he said, and she could hardly help but grin. And Anatolia, indeed! She had not found herself there in quite the same way (she had never been armed with more than a chisel or trowel, and never alone or tipsy or ready for danger, to say the least) but all the same, she felt a surety that Mr. Fisk was quite the kindred spirit.
“An utterly sensible decision,” Carm remarked wryly with a suppressed little snort, hoping the poor man wouldn’t be offended at her poking fun. Supposing she had been in that situation, she could not be sure she would have been any less foolhardy than he. “And then?”
“An utterly sensible decision,” Carm remarked wryly with a suppressed little snort, hoping the poor man wouldn’t be offended at her poking fun. Supposing she had been in that situation, she could not be sure she would have been any less foolhardy than he. “And then?”