Sleep wasn't safe.
It hadn't been safe, since the incident with the maid, although Elliot's dreams had always been fitful and ominous.
He had woken up a few hours before with no distinct memories but no desire to go back to sleep, so instead he sat clad in a robe at the desk in his bedroom, tarot cards spread in front of them. He had cycled through a multitude of spreads, but it was always the same question:
will we get caught?
will we get caught?
will we get caught?
The answer eluded him as the cards turned up only incoherent responses. He had never been able to find answers when he asked about his family; a giant, glaring blind spot in his Sight. But he was about to do another spread, try for a fourth time, when the knock came at his door.
"Ginny? You can come in, I'm decent," he said, instead straightening the deck and returning it to the well-worn box.
It hadn't been safe, since the incident with the maid, although Elliot's dreams had always been fitful and ominous.
He had woken up a few hours before with no distinct memories but no desire to go back to sleep, so instead he sat clad in a robe at the desk in his bedroom, tarot cards spread in front of them. He had cycled through a multitude of spreads, but it was always the same question:
will we get caught?
will we get caught?
will we get caught?
The answer eluded him as the cards turned up only incoherent responses. He had never been able to find answers when he asked about his family; a giant, glaring blind spot in his Sight. But he was about to do another spread, try for a fourth time, when the knock came at his door.
"Ginny? You can come in, I'm decent," he said, instead straightening the deck and returning it to the well-worn box.