"They're your daughters," he pointed out dryly. "You're their mother. If they disappoint, of course it will be your fault. Whichever one you choose." Children received some mix of traits from their parents, after all, and they weren't going to inherit any tendencies towards failure from him. If they were pulling their influence from the Lestrange side of the family, they'd end up like little miniatures of Tatiana. Anything negative would have to come through their maternal line. She would also necessarily play a slightly larger role in the upbringing of the surviving twin than he would. It wasn't as though they were going to learn proper feminine behaviour from watching his example.
"I'm not keeping someone under the imperius curse for the next — what, two years? Can you imagine how tiresome that would be?" he asked rhetorically. He wasn't sure Antigone had ever successfully placed someone under the imperius curse, so she wouldn't have much of a frame of reference. "If it was just a matter of paying someone, that would be one thing. But people can't be trusted, and magical methods would have... loopholes," he said with a vague shrug. He didn't want to give her any ideas about her own Unbreakable Vow, but both of them knew they were far from fool-proof.
"I'm not keeping someone under the imperius curse for the next — what, two years? Can you imagine how tiresome that would be?" he asked rhetorically. He wasn't sure Antigone had ever successfully placed someone under the imperius curse, so she wouldn't have much of a frame of reference. "If it was just a matter of paying someone, that would be one thing. But people can't be trusted, and magical methods would have... loopholes," he said with a vague shrug. He didn't want to give her any ideas about her own Unbreakable Vow, but both of them knew they were far from fool-proof.